← Fake It →

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"Is three enough?" Kira curiously asks, her hands placed on a table.

"Depends on how much cameras they have..." Stiles answers.

"Are we really doing this?" Liam sighs out.

"We're doing it tonight." Scott says determined.

"But, isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam uneasily asks.

"It's incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic." Stiles bluntly says.

"Have you guys ever done this before?" Liam uncomfortably asks.

"Dangerous or borderline idiotic?" Stiles asks.

"...i think, it's a 'yes' to both." Kira states.

Scott noticed the look on Liam's face, him warmly looking at him. "You don't have to be here if you don't want to."

"I'm not scared!" Liam definitely says.

"Then, you're borderline idiotic." Stiles says.

"It's okay, if the both of you don't want to be here, you know?" Scott eyed Evie and Liam.

"To see you fake killing yourself? I'm not leaving." Evie states.

"Huh." Scott scoffs, him slowly nodding at her.

Stiles noticed Scott looking at him, him shrugging with a smile.

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Hours earlier, at the Yukimura's household, on a bed, Scott was lying flat on his back, Liam unsure about this plan.

"Are you totally sure about this?" Liam nervously asks.

"I think Liam's kind of nervous, maybe you should tell him it's all right." Kira softly says, as she stood by the bed.

Scott looks at Liam. "It's going to be all right."

"You have done this before, right?" Evie looks at Noshiko.

"I've seen it been done before." Noshiko says.

"...do you know what you're doing?" Evie hesitantly asks.

"I don't think no one what they're really doing most of the time, do they?" Noshiko states.

"Yeah, that's not the answer i was looking for." Evie awkwardly says.

"It's no guarantee that it's going to work?" Liam's eyes widened in horror.

Kira narrowed her eyes at her mother, seeing their expressions. "Mom, you're not exactly inspiring confidence."

"Good, because, this plan is a terrible idea." Noshiko states.

"But, either way, let's get started." Noshiko says.

"Um, Scott? If this works and you do make it out alive–––please, try and not pull any 'insidious' crap, no demons–––." Evie says.

"I love you too, Evie." Scott scoffs a laugh.

"Put your hand over his heart, Kira." Noshiko says.

"Okay, wait, wait–––." Scott quickly stopped her, Kira's hand hovering over his beating chest. "What's going to happen? Am i just going to be out?"

"You'll be having dreams, your subconscious is going to give you dreams that will be made in your mind." Noshiko says.

"Good or bad dreams?" Scott curiously asks.

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