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Inside the Dunbar's house, Liam and Mason was playing a couple video games at night.

Mason seemed impressed by Liam's plays. "Oh! When did you get so good? You been practicing? Or did you suddenly get superhuman reflexes?" Mason joked, throwing the controller aside.

Liam's body froze, awkwardly laughs. "Just practicing."

"And, i should be studying." Mason states.

Liam nervously looks at Mason. "Where are you going?"

"Home...? I got a History test tomorrow." Mason states.

Liam tensely stares at him. "N-now? Come on, just one more game."

"Yeah, you said that four games ago." Mason reminds.

"Study here, you can stay here." Liam pleads.

Mason sighs out, him then coming up with an idea. "Why don't you ask Evie? I mean, you guys are dating, aren't you?"

"Yeah, um, i think we are." Liam anxiously says.

Mason confusingly looks at him. "You think?"

"Um, well, she practically climbs through my window every night and climbs in my bed." Liam states. "Even thought i have a door that she can open."

"Doors are possible too boring." Mason shrugs.

Liam lightly chuckles. "That's what she said."

"Liam, i have to go home." Mason sighs out.

Liam's eyes glanced around the area, his heart pounding heavy, a distracted and feared expression on his face.

"Liam? You okay?" Mason concerningly asks.

Liam quickly looks at Mason. "Uh, yeah, yeah, go home, it's okay, i'll see you at school tomorrow."

Mason then got up, him then leaving the house.

Liam hesitantly getting up from the coach, slowly going up the stairs.

Liam then entered the dark halls, him stopping in his tracks seeing a Berserker standing far away from him.

Liam then shut his eyes, heavily breathing out, whispering out shakily. "You're not here, you're not here."

Liam then opened his eyes, him not seeing anything, gulping nervously, quickly walking towards his room.

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Evie Reyes had stood by her opened locker, her then closing it in, her slinging a strap of her bag on her shoulder, her then seeing Liam walking into the school, her smiling at him, but it became a frown as she saw him passing her.

Evie adjusted the strap properly on her shoulder, her going after him.



"Liam? Liam!"

Evie had made her way in front of him, smiling at him. "Didn't you hear me calling you?"

"Didn't you hear me ignoring you?" Liam sassed.

Evie frowns, confusingly smiling at him. "How can you hear someone if they're not saying anything...?"

"Are you okay, Liam?" Evie concerningly asks.

Liam glares at Evie through his dark lashes. "Why wouldn't i be?"

Evie didn't take his attitude to heart. "I was calling you last night, and you didn't answer me."

Liam snapped. "I figured you'd crawl through the window as always."

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