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Hi dear readers!! Thank you so much for reading and loving Innocent Ignorance throughout these years—this was my first ever story and I truly poured my heart and soul into it. I'm so grateful for your support and readership. I've decided to discontinue the story for now as I don't have time to continue writing it. Maybe in the future, when I have more time, I'll take it up again. But for now, Innocent Ignorance will be taking an indefinite break. <3 

HOWEVER: I recently opened an art account on TikTok @cherrietea, and I'd appreciate it SO SO MUCH if you could check it out and maybe leave a follow!!! I'll be posting fanart content related to Innocent Ignorance there too, as I want to somehow continue telling the story of our OC and darling Naruto characters. :) 

Thank you all SO MUCH again!!! I love you guys so much.


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