CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Let's Get this Party Started

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Sup Kishi, I'm just gonna borrow Naru for a while ok thanx bye 

'...' Inner

'...' Outer


When I walked into the courtroom, I noticed Danzhoe chained to a chair. Our eyes met, and he glared, fury evident in his lone dark eye. 

I smirked back.

Inner cackled.

Shisui sighed and hit me lightly on the head. 

My appearance had drawn the eyes of everyone in the room towards me. I had walked in with Shisui, Itachi, and Kakashi—a tiny little girl accompanying some of the three most talented and fearsome ninja that Konoha has ever produced must have been a sight to behold. Some began to murmur and scoff in my direction but were silenced when Shisui placed a protective arm on my shoulder and glared at them. 

Meanwhile, I had caught sight of proud Uchiha daddy Fugaku in the stands. I waved happily at him. 

He raised an eyebrow.

At the front of the room, Old Man Third coughed into his fist. Our eyes met, and I smiled at him. His eyes looked tired—I couldn't imagine the toll this was placing on him—but he gave me a small smile back. He then turned back to the rest of the small crowd of people.

"Everyone," he began, "we are here to judge the case of Shimura Danzo."

He paused before going on. "His crimes are: spreading malicious rumors throughout the village regarding the Uchiha clan, spreading seeds of rebellion within the Uchiha clan, sending ANBU members of the clan off to suicide missions, and..." 

Third grimly looked into the already bristling and furious eyes of the prominent Uchiha there. 

"...for stealing their eyes and implanting them within his own body." 

Shouts erupted in the room, and I spotted more than a few Sharingans blazing to life. Danzhoe glared defiantly back at them as Third roared, "SETTLE DOWN!" 

Fugaku spoke in a low growl. "With all due respect, Lord Third, this filth here," he spat out the word, "has defiled the Uchiha clan's honor and dignity. I propose that he be executed." 

"I second that!"

Everyone in the room began to utter some form of agreement. Shisui and Itachi just gritted their teeth. Noticing, I held both of their hands to reassure them. It seemed to work—they both turned to me with soft looks on their faces. 

"EVERYONE," Third shouted. "We are not yet finished." Sighing, he said, "The last accusation of Shimura Danzo is attacking this little girl, Sakura Haruno." With that, he pointed towards me, and I was suddenly faced with a room full of angered and curious faces. 

Inner shrank a little inside me. 'So...many...people...staring at us,' she squeaked. 

"Sakura, could you share your testimony with everyone?" Third asked gently.

I gulped, and slowly made my way down to the witness stand. Everyone was staring at me. Some were murmering thoughts of how could such a little girl be involved in this? and isn't she a civilian? 

"Hello," my voice rang out. I winced, and continued. "My name is Sakura Haruno, and I was a part of the mission that occurred one week ago to capture Shimura Danzo." 

Gasps and whispers of disbelief could be heard.

"I was accompanied by Kakashi Hatake, Itachi Uchiha, and Shisui Uchiha," I spoke. "When the explosion went off, I noticed Councilman Shimura Danzo standing on top of the rubble. When I attempted to engage in combat, he fled. I pursued him."

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