CHAPTER THREE - Heavenly Bliss

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'...' Inner

'...' Outer

Cute lil sassy OC is mine...Naruto, sadly, is not.


I awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes. For a moment, I laid there, still dazed from having just woken up and simply basking in the delicious sweet scent.

'For the love of ramen, wake up already!'

I groaned as I slowly sat up. "My, what a nice way to start the day."

Inner scoffed. 'Puh-leeze. We both know that you would have kept lying there for at least twenty more minutes."

"Sleep is for the well-deserved."

'The only thing you've done to deserve anything is being a pain in the ass.'

Rolling my eyes, I smiled at our childish banter. "Good morning to you too, Inner. Let's go greet our parents."

Sliding out of bed, I walked over to the door and let myself out. I then walked down the hall towards the dining room.

"Morning, Mommy! Daddy!" I exclaimed, a wide grin spreading over my face. As the months turned into years with this new family, I found myself, slowly but surely, not having to act like a normal child in my parents' presence. My child-like character relaxed and formed with ease, and it was all due to love. The overflowing affection that these two provided me was something that I would eternally be thankful for.

Mebuki and Kizashi looked over at me. "Oh, good morning, Sakura!" Mebuki said warmly, stooping down to give me a hug. "How was your sleep? Any dreams?"

"It was great Mommy! I didn't dream, but I slept really well!" I responded. I had also started to use more complex sentences around them. It was little enough so that I wouldn't startle them into thinking something was wrong, but enough to make them think, quite proudly, that I was a—

"A prodigy in the making, that's our daughter!" I squealed as big, gentle hands encased my body and lifted me up. Kizashi hugged me tightly. "Our daughter is so smart, ne Mebuki?"

Mebuki crossed her arms and frowned disapprovingly at him. "Kizashi! You haven't even finished your breakfast yet! Hurry up before you're late!"

"Ehehe, sorry."

I wiggled out of Kizashi's grasp and made my way towards the table, clambering up onto my tall baby seat. A plate of steaming pancakes was set in front of me, and my eyes shone with happiness. Inner drooled.

"Alright, dig in!" Mebuki said, putting her hands on her hips and flashing me a grin. I gave her one of my own before I started to shove my face.

'Mm, this is good.'

'No words,' Inner whispered, tears of awe and joy pooling in her eyes.

I happily continued to eat until I saw the clock from the corner of my eye, and I froze. There were only 15 minutes until my parents would have to leave for work. I would have to do it now.

"Hey Mommy? Daddy?" I said, causing them to both turn around. "Yes dear?" Mebuki responded, and Kizashi gave me a smile.

I took a deep breath, and put on what I hoped was a serious face. Which wasn't that easy, considering that my face had the chubby baby-fat of a three-year old, and so looked extremely adorable—at least, in Inner's eyes. As for me, I thought, with a measure of satisfaction, that it was sufficiently cute.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm loving this body. I'm an absolute cinnamon roll.

Closing my eyes, I calmed my jumbled thoughts. Focus. This is important. Mebuki and Kizashi were watching me expectantly. I lifted my face to look them straight in the eyes.

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