The Cabin: Day 4 (pt. 1)

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Bitter Allies • Part 8

The next morning, the pain in your chest is still present. Your heart feels heavy, weighed down by confusion and a little regret. The dull ache between your legs is a lingering echo of Soap's rough touch that had split you in half. A constant reminder of last night. You feel raw, exposed, and the desire to talk to Soap about what happened is overwhelming now. As daunting as it seems, you know this conversation is unavoidable. It needs to happen sooner or later.

Pulling yourself upright in bed, you look to Soap's side of the room and see that he's gone. You hope for once that he's around and hasn't left for a morning run or anything. You don't know if you can handle waiting for him to get back. Getting changed into the last fully clean pair of clothes you have, you go to look for the Scot.

As you walk into the kitchen, you're naturally drawn to look out the window. Your heart leaps when you see him. He'd sitting by the same tree he had a couple days ago, looking out towards the water. Taking a deep breath, gathering up your courage, you exit the cabin. The morning air is cool against your skin, but it does little to soothe your nerves.

Each step you take towards him makes your heart beat faster, the anxiety building with every stride. You're so nervous to talk to him, afraid of how this interaction might go. You had a pretty bad track record so far of turning civil conversations into heated arguments.

As you get closer, you come to realize he has one of his black books with him. It's opened up, and it looks like he's sketching something. His eyes dart from between the lake in front of him to his book, pausing between his strokes when he does.

He either doesn't hear you or chooses not to acknowledge you until you're about halfway to him. You can see him glance a little over his shoulder as you draw near, but he never fully turns his head to look at you. His gaze just goes back to his book. Even when you're finally right next to him, he still doesn't say anything or even look up at you.

"Can I sit with you for a bit?" You ask before you lose your courage and run back to the cabin.

Soap is silent for a couple seconds, and for a moment, you're worried he's not going to say anything to you. There's a pang in your chest at that thought, but Soap finally answers after a moment.

"Sure." He sighs, seeming to know exactly what you are here for. Then again, why else would you ever come to talk to him?

Slowly, you move to sit beside him. It's peaceful outside, a stark contrast to how you're feeling. Not really knowing how you want to start this conversation, you instead look at the sketch he's currently working on.

"I didn't know you liked to draw." You say, watching as he carefully makes each line on the paper. He's drawing the scene of the lake. Using one of his fingers, he smudges a line he's just made, darkening his finger with the lead of his pencil.

"It helps pass the time. Takes my mind off stuff." He shrugs, still offering his full attention to his drawing.

"It looks nice. You're really good at drawing."

And you're being genuine. You're surprised to say that Soap is really good at drawing. He's about halfway through sketching the landscape, and it looks beautiful so far. Despite your compliment though, Soap sighs, taking his pencil off the drawing and finally looking at you.

"What do you want?" He asks, making you shy away slightly. You don't want him thinking your compliment was just empty words.

"I was being serious. Your drawing is really nice. You're really talented."

Soap sighs again, glancing back down to his artwork, but not drawing anymore. "Thanks. But I know you're not out here cause you want to watch me draw. So get to it."

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