Chapter 1-The Embarrassment

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Sarah dragged me by the wrist. 'Hurry up idiot' she said to me. 'I don't want to waste time! Now no dawdling!' She pushed me through the doorway. 'Come back in 10 minutes and 10 minutes only!' I sigh. I'm used to it at this point. I go in and take a basket. 'Let's see what's on the list this time..' i mumble to myself. Broccoli, Corn, Chilies, A bag of chips...a knife.. why does she need another knife? Oh well. I start by getting the corn, as it's nearest to me. Then I work my way around the store, getting the broccoli, the chilies, then get the chips. I look back at the list, even though I already had a mental note of what I needed to get. I went to the utensils aisle and get the sharpest knife. I put it in the basket, then head towards the checkout.

'SAMUEL!' great. Sarah stands in front of the register, waiting. 'What took so long!' She shouts at me. 'It hasn't even been 5 minutes!' I talk back. Her eyes fill with rage 'WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!' I back up and drop the items. Everyone is looking at us as she starts coming towards me. I stumble and fall backwards. She approaches me with swift feet and lifts me into the air easily. 'S..stop..' i choke out. She throws me into the aisle behind me. I slump to the floor. Everything starts to go blurry as a man approaches me. Another man is holding her back as security comes towards her. 'D..don't hurt her...' I whisper, my vision doubling. 

'Are you ok?' Says the blurry man next to me. I nod faintly, blood dripping from the impact of my head hitting the shelf. ' are you really ok? She shouldn't have done that' 'I deserve it..' 'no you don't man.. hey, how about I help you get cleaned up?' I shrug. 'I don't know if I deserve that' 'no one should treat anyone that way' he said. His voice was oddly calming. He gave me his hand and helped me up and into the bathroom, where he took out a first aid kit from the cabinat.

'T..thanks..' i say, blushing from the kind act 'is your girlfriend normally a Bitch?' He responds. I sigh. 'I'm guessing that's a yes... now may I check for anymore injuries from that incident?' ', I'm fine now..' I lie. I don't want him to see, I don't want anyone to see. 'Hey um, how about you get my number? Maybe I could help you out?' I look at him. 'Sure.' I pull out my phone and give it to him to put the number. He gives me my phone back. 'Hey, my names Colby, what's yours?' 'Sam.' 'Well, stay in touch, Sam.' 'I will, thanks again.'  I get up and leave, Sarah by the door. She grabs my wrist and drags me into the car. 'We are going to have a big talk when we get home...' she scrowls. Great. Another way she can ruin my life.

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