one. peace out hacketteers

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5:07 pm, august twenty-second - kenzie | hacketts quarry summer camp entrance

"peace out, hacketteers!"

"bye!" emma shouted, both hands in the air, waving wildly at the last bus of kids as they headed down the road.

"laters!" nick added from the top balcony.

"peace and love!" dylan chipped in from beside nick just as kaitlyn and jake added in their own goodbyes from the stairs.

"bye, kids!"

"hackett's quarry forever!" emma blew kisses and waved one final time before dropping the cheery, chirpy act. kaitlyn and jacob finished descending the stairs as i leaned my elbow on dylan's shoulder.

"do you know how many hearts are broken on the last day of summer camp? it's like a romanti-pocalypse," kaitlyn sniggered.

"yeah, well they're just kids. they'll get over it," jacob shrugged. i let out a snort. get over it. yeah.

"they will," i laughed, placing my earbud back in my ear, taylor swift filling my left eardrum as jake barked up a response.

"oh, go fuck yourself! go back to fucking indiana or whatever!"

"you're from indiana? how'd i not know that?" nick turned to me.

"i'm not even from fucking indiana!" i shouted back, pinching the bridge of my nose in exasperation, "whatever. hey, i gotta get my bags from abi and emma's cabin. give me— like fifteen minutes."

"you got it," dylan ruffled my hair, knowing damn well i hated when he did that. i simply rolled my eyes and kept walking, flipping him off as i tried to watch my step on the old rickety stairs. as i turned to find the golf cart, i groaned as i realized that emma already took it out to the cabins, presumably to go get abi and their bags. shit.

but, under the lodge, near the storm shelter, i noticed a gloomy figure. ryan, his head leaned back and his eyes closed, listening to something, probably his podcast, so loud i could hear it too.

"ryan, you good?" i asked, with no response. sometimes talking to this kid was like talking to a brick wall. "hello?" i shrugged and gave up, walking away. i decided it was way too far a walk, and i'd wait for emma to bring back the golf cart before i head to the cabins to get my stuff.

as i headed back up the stairs, i noticed a sign. the camp map, under it was hackett's slogan, "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger."

"what if i got my nose ripped off?" i questioned, "maybe not something we should be teaching children." i sighed and headed up the stairs, the song in my ear switching from taylor swift to— guess what— more taylor swift. i stepped my way up the wooden steps, deciding to hang in the lodge with my boyfriend and nick when i noticed the door was locked. "seriously? its the lodge, why lock the door."

"i got this," jake boasted as he came up the stairs behind me. but, like any other normal person would've, he just knocked. there was a click of the lock on the other side, then the door unlatched and creaked open, revealing dylan on the other side.

"hi," he gave a slight nod of his head. i paused my music and removed my headphones.

"hi, love. let us in?" i spoke in a slight demand than a suggestion as I crossed my arms over my chest, the small tattoo on my upper arm showing under my short-sleeved band tee as i folded my arms over my chest.

"yeah, you guys gonna help with the bags or what?" jake pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, towards the minivan we were all taking back home.

"ah, you see, nick and i were just fixing the door. it's broken," dylan shrugged. i squinted my eyes at him in confusion.

"it's... broken? the door is broken?" i questioned, my voice raising and flooding with suspicion.

"it's broken," dylan nodded in confirmation, slowly pushing the door closed, "see, see, it's just closing, i don't know why it's doing that it's just- just - man, it must be the hinges, it's just- it closed!"

"dylan! dylan, open the door! dylan- i need the- dylan-!" jake tried to argue as the door latched shut. i groaned and folded my hand into a fist, banging on the wooden door with my knuckles.

"sorry, bro!" nick called out.

"fuuuuck," i groaned. "alright!" i clapped my hands together. i tried the door again, realizing it wasn't budging.

"dipshits bolted it? really?" jake scoffed. i simply shrugged and began walking, stopping at a sign right by the door.

"hackett's quarry
summer camp
est 1953"

"1953?" i sighed as i noticed the sign.

"how old is mr. h?" jake quipped.

"not that old. he's like thirty. nineties kid, probably," i shrugged as jake gave an acknowledging hum.

i made my way around the building, jake on my heel as my eyes locked on a nearby window. "you think...?"

"maybe. it's hackett, he locks nothing," i scoffed as i bent over and hooked my pale fingers under the closest window and pulled it open and climbed my way through, jake following.

7:13 pm, august twenty-second - kenzie | hacketts quarry summer camp lodge

"skill," he groaned as he forced his way through the small window.

"shit day to wear a skirt," i shrugged.

"yeah, whatever," jake rolled his eyes. i stopped at a nearby book case, my eyes falling on a book that had fallen over. frankenstein. "horror. i hate horror."

"i hate you," i shrugged and picked up the dusty book. "hackett wouldn't mind if i borrowed this?"

"uh... go for it," jake shrugged.

"y'know, jake, you're awfully boring today," i brought up as i turned and kept walking.

"you have a boyfriend. i don't," jake shrugged. confused, i turned on my heel.

"i didn't know you swung that way," i commented. jake groaned as he realized his wording and immediately backtracked.

"no- i mean- you're a horrible person," jake rolled his eyes once again.

"careful, don't roll your eyes out of your head!" i quipped, turned around, and i kept walking, heading into the main lodge.


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