two. temperance

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5:15 pm, august twenty-second - kenzie | hackett's quarry summer camp lodge

"so, speaking of romantic relationships," jake began as i made my way around the old library lounge room in the very back corner of the lodge.

"mmh? you and emma kissed and made up?" i questioned, obviously in a mocking manner as i kept walking, my eyes falling on everything and anything.

"are you fucking done? you're actually a terrible person," jake huffed, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. i stifled out a laugh and shrugged, raising my hands in defense.

"okay, fine, i'm done. what about romantic relationships?" i laughed and exited the library, walking through the doorway into the main lodge. jake still trailed behind me.

"you and dylan. you seem... close," jake pointed out. i simply shrugged. dylan and i weren't very public about our relationship, not like jake and emma were.

"since last summer. we were both campers," i shrugged and sat down at the nearest lunch table, not yet cleaned off from lunch.

"oh, really? is that why you two always snuck off to the radio shack?" jake questioned, his eyes slightly narrowing in anticipation. i slapped my hands against my tights-covered thighs and stood up again, shaking my head at his questioning.

"that's private information," i spoke as i began walking once again. jake let out a snort and i rolled my eyes.

"ah? is that so?" he questioned, a bit of humor still in his voice.

"yes, that is so," i nodded, my eyes landing on a figure sitting on the last two steps on the 'grand staircase' of the lodge. "yo, nick! anything left in the kitchen?"

"i cleaned it out," the austrailian answered, "i think there might be some of mr. h's popsicles in the freezer, though!"

"hell yeah!" i cheered and made my way to the kitchen. jake still didn't let down on his constant hounding. wasn't he supposed to be doing something, or is he just annoying me?

"what is that?" jake asked as we entered the quite large kitchen where nick spent most of his time in the summers.

"a popsicle?" i questioned in disbelief as i immediately turned to face him. jake scoffed and shook his head.

"no, dumbass, that!" jake pointed toward the deepfrier. still confused i just stared at it. annoyed, jake scoffed and picked up something. a card, a bit too large for uno or some other card game.

"give me that," i spoke and unintentionally ripped it from his hand. temperance. "a tarot card?"

"abi's?" jake questioned.

"maybe. i'll ask when i see her," i shrugged and pocketed the card, walking to the walk-in freezer, its cold air bringing goosebumps to my pale skin, and pulling out a cherry push-popsicle.

"sure would hate to get stuck in there," jake shuddered at the cold. i looked at him, confused and pushed the large, heavy metal door shut before exiting the kitchen.

"you're quite the strange one, custos," i shrugged.

"thank you," he nodded and made his way toward nick. i followed his gaze up the stairs, my head cocking to the side in confusion as i tore open the popsicle.

"why are the stairs blocked?" jake asked as the stairs were completely blocked with chairs and small tables. nick shrugged before answering.

"mr h. said it was too keep raccoons and squirrels out of the non-perishable food," he answered. i shrugged, finding the reason... well, reasonable. jake continued his conversation with nick before grabbing his bags from the opposite staircase, unbolting the front door, and leaving.

in the meantime, i looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of dylan, wherever the hell he vanished off to when mr. hackett entered through the front door of the lodge, a small plastic container in his hands.

"tell the others that it's time to get their phones," mr. h nodded toward me.

"sweet!" i cheered as dylan left the bathroom and nick stood up to get his phone. mr. h gave a small, acknowledging nod before retreating, presumably to his office.

"you ready to hit the road?" dylan spoke to both me and nick. nick simply nodded, giving a small response as he grabbed both his own phone and jacobs. dylan shoved his into his back pocket.

"yes, oh my god, i'm so fucking ready," i groaned out in agreement. nick shook his head, laughing to himself at my reaction as he turned and headed out the front door. dylan, also laughing, gently took my hand in his as we followed suit.

we headed out to the banister with nick as he began waving jacob's phone around. "jacob!"

"I wouldn't do tha-" i began, only to be cut off by nick throwing jacobs phone over the banister. "okay then." jacob shouted in alarm, catching his phone in both hands and doing a very overly sexual victory dance. dylan, nick and i headed downstairs and i let out a fake gag.

5:25 pm, august twenty-second - kenzie | hacketts quarry summer camp entrance

"freaks. i'm surrounded by freaks," kaitlyn scoffed. i nodded toward her in agreement as dylan spoke up from beside me.

"leave it for emergencies. if being dumped counts as such..." he snickered. i jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow, and he let out a childish shriek. "ow! you bastard, that's domestic violence!"

"oh, shut up," i rolled my eyes and placed my hand back in his. he, too, rolled his eyes at my response and gave my hand a squeeze.

"both of you fuck off. at least i had a relationship this summer," jake scoffed. kaitlyn furrowed her brows in confusion out that statement. nick, also confused, began to speak as dylan placed his arm around my waist, pulling me into him just to silently state the obvious. "right... nevermind."

"anyways, do you guys know where the other girls are?" nick changed the subject and jake simply shrugged.

"why would i know that?" jacob responded bitterly.

"i don't know," nick spoke mischievously, "sometimes you know things i don't."

katelyn was right. freaks.

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