Ghost Town

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The sun was shining through the window, and on the floor was a shadow of a human body figure. There was no on in the window though. How was that even possible? The shadow’s arms moved and lifted up the window. The shadow crawled outside. Yet there was still no physical being to be seen. What I just saw totally freaked me out beyond imagine. What was that thing? That was the end of the videos. So I sat there staring at my screen with my arms crossed wondering what it could have been. A noise started coming through the baby monitor. I picked it up and listened carefully. Forgetting completely that I could just look on the camera to see what was going on. At first it was a scratchy screechy noise. Then it changed to something somewhat like a voice. “I’vvvveeeee got a secreeeettttttt to tell youuuuu,” it hissed and it was soon hissing a song.

I was so mesmerized I couldn’t move. All I could do was sit there on the couch and listen. “I’vvvveeeee got a secreeeettttttt to, shhhhaaarrreeee. I’vvvveeeee got a secreeeettttttt, to teeeeelllllll youuuuu. Listen to meeee, if youuu, dareeee.” The sound was so eerie and creepy I was shocked at how that could have been coming out of the monitor. Was it on a station or something? No that can’t be it. It’s a baby monitor not a radio. “By telling youuuuu, my, seeeecrrrreeeeetttttt, I’m trusting that you’ll listen, with careeeee. I’vvvvveeeee comeee tooo take what is miiinnnnneeee, I’vvvvveeeee come to sssstealllll it awaaaayyyyy, I’vvvvveeeee commmeee to teeelllll youuuu, I’mm telling youuu right now, this baby in hereee, this baby my dear, this baby of yours, issssssss, MINE!” I dropped the monitor when it shouted the last part and dashed up the stairs to Nick’s room when I heard him screaming.

I got to his door but it wouldn’t open. “Goddamnit let me in there!” I yelled and smashed it open with my shoulder. A sharp pain went through my shoulder and I grimaced in pain. That’s gonna hurt tomorrow. I thought with little regret as I saw Nick still in his bed. But all screaming and crying had stopped. I rushed up to his bedside, completely ignoring the open window for the thousandth time. I put a hand to his cheek. He was ice cold. I put my hand in front of his face. I couldn’t feel him breathing. I put an ear to his chest. I couldn’t hear his heart pumping. I put two fingers to his wrist. I couldn’t find a pulse. I began to panic and grabbed him rushing him to the hospital. Not caring one bit that I was going way over the speed limit.

Once at the hospital I rushed him to the desk. “Help, help my baby isn’t breathing!” I screamed and he was immediately taken from me and rushed to the ER with me following close behind. Tears running down my face I was screaming at them all to save my baby. I called up my parents completely hysterical and they were here in no time at all. After much rushing about and yelling and crying (mainly done by me and my mom) one of the nurses came out and told me he was in a coma. I broke down and rushed in to my baby’s side. I stayed there for so long and nobody dared to tell me to leave. They knew my temper. They knew to not get in the way of me and my baby. MY baby. After hours and hours I was finally told to go home and I did however it was completely by force. Three security guards and two extremely tough nurses and my dad all dragged me out kicking and screaming for them to let me go back to my baby.


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