Ashwin -jaddu

445 17 10



TOP -  Ashiwn
BOTTOM- jaddu

Ashwin always had his bodyguards with him. Being the son of a wealthy businessman, he was a constant target. But one day, fate played a cruel trick on him.

It was a quiet evening, and Ashwin decided to take a walk in the park, thinking it would be safe. He told his guards to wait by the car. He wanted a moment of peace, just for himself.

As he walked, he suddenly found himself surrounded by three rough-looking men. They were goons, clearly after his money and possibly more. Ashwin’s heart raced. He was defenseless, without any weapon or help.

Just as panic started inside him,  Jaddu was returning home from his soccer practice, his sports bag slung over his shoulder. He noticed the commotion and saw Ashwin’s frightened face.

Without thinking twice, Jaddu rushed towards Ashwin and the goons. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Jaddu shouted, trying to sound braver than he felt.

The goons turned to Jaddu, sneering. "Mind your own business, kid," one of them growled. But Jaddu didn't back down. He grabbed a soccer ball from his bag and kicked it as hard as he could. The ball struck one of the goons in the face, making him stagger backward.

Using the moment of confusion, Jaddu grabbed Ashwin's hand. "Run!" he yelled. Together, they sprinted through the park, the goons chasing them for a while before giving up.

They finally stopped to catch their breath, hidden behind some bushes. Ashwin looked at Jaddu, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you. You saved me," he said, panting.

Jaddu smiled, though he was just as out of breath. "No problem. Are you okay?"

Ashwin nodded. "Yes, thanks to you. I don’t even know your name."

"It’s Jaddu," the boy replied. "And you?"

"Ashwin," he said, still amazed by what had just happened.

Jad shrugged modestly. "Just glad I was here to help."
As Ashwin’s bodyguards finally found him.

Ashwin couldn't stop thinking about Jaddu. Every time he tried to focus on his work or enjoy a meal, his mind drifted back to the charming and lovely boy who had saved him in the park.

"I didn't even thank him properly," Ashwin muttered to himself as he paced around his room. "He saved me, and all I did was say a quick thanks."

He paused, looking out the window. "I should do something special for him. Maybe I should invite him to dinner. Yes, that's a good idea. A nice dinner would be a perfect way to show my gratitude."

Ashwin picked up his phone and called his assistant. "Can you find the contact information for a boy named Jaddu? He saved me the other day in the park. I want to invite him to dinner."

His assistant responded quickly, "Of course, sir. I’ll get on it right away."

Ashwin felt a bit more at ease as he waited. He rehearsed what he would say to Jaddu. "Hi, Jaddu. It's Ashwin. I wanted to thank you properly for what you did. Would you like to join me for dinner?" He sighed, shaking his head. "No, that sounds too formal. Maybe I should just be myself."

The Next Day

Ashwin's phone buzzed with a text from his assistant. "Sir, I've found Jaddu's contact information."

Ashwin immediately dialed Jaddu’s number, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. The phone rang a few times before a familiar voice answered, "Hello?"

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