virat - jaddu

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Virat and Jaddu were part of the same batch in the Under-19 World Cup.
Virat was the aggressive one, showing his anger only on the field. Off the field, he was very loving and caring towards his friends and seniors. On the other hand, Jaddu was always in a playful mood, both on and off the field.

For the past few days, Virat had been ignoring Jaddu. Jaddu noticed this but thought he might be overthinking, One evening.

After practice, Virat was sitting at the dinner table, talking and laughing with the senior players. Jaddu sat on the other side of the table, watching them. He couldn't help but notice that Virat was chatting with everyone except him.

Jaddu thought to himself, Why is Virat ignoring me? Did I do something to upset him?

He tried to recall if he had said or done anything that might have made Virat angry. But nothing came to mind. Jaddu felt lil sadness and confusion. He had always felt close to Virat, and the sudden distance was unsettling.

"But maybe I’m overthinking this, Jaddu thought, trying to calm himself down. Virat is my friend maybe more than a friend  but that doesn’t mean he has to talk to me all the time. He has other important people in his life too.

He looked around the table at the seniors, understanding that they were also an important part of Virat’s life and career. They offered advice, guidance, and experience that was crucial for Virat’s growth as a player and a leader. It made sense for Virat to spend time with them, learning and building those relationships with his seniors. 😔

Here I am, acting like a fool, imagining all sorts of things,
Jaddu thought with a sigh. "Virat isn't ignoring me on purpose. He’s just being a good teammate and friend to others as well.

Jaddu decided to focus on his own meal, trying to push the negative thoughts out of his mind. He reminded himself of the countless times Virat had been there for him.

Jaddu  hoping that Virat would talk to him once he finished his conversation with the seniors. He imagined Virat coming over, asking about his day, and jokingly inquiring about who Jaddu had pranked today.
But to his disappointment, Virat finished his meal, wrapped up his chat with the seniors, and headed straight to his room without saying a word to him. Jaddu watched him go, feeling a wave of sadness wash over him.
Why do I have such high expectations? Jaddu thought to himself. It’s not fair to Virat or to me. I’m overthinking this.

Jaddu decided he would talk to Virat the next day.

Tomorrow, he thought, I’ll just ask him directly. No more guessing.

Just then, Kuldeep walked over and noticed Jaddu's unhappy expression.

Kuldeep: Hey Jaddu bhai  is everything okay? Why do you look so down?

Jaddu forced a smile but couldn't hide his feelings entirely.

Jaddu: It's nothing, really. Just overthinking, I guess.

Kuldeep looked at him with concern and then joked to cheer up his  mood.

Kuldeep: Whatever it is, you look cute even when you're sad.

He laughed, trying to cheer Jaddu up. Jaddu couldn’t help but chuckle at Kuldeep’s comment.

Jaddu: Thanks, Kuldeep. You always know how to make me laugh.

Kuldeep: That's what friends are for. But seriously, if something's bothering you, you can talk to me.

Jaddu: It's just... I feel like Virat's been ignoring me lately. I know it's silly, but it’s been bothering me.

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