Hardik-jaddu (Part 2)

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Hardik and Jaddu headed back to their mansion. Hardik, feeling relieved, said, We did it, huh? Just need to get the container to them, and we’re good.

Jaddu grinned. Don’t worry. All the guns have been taken out of the container. Who’s going to handle such a huge container anyway?

Hardik looked at him, shocked. You took all the guns out? When did you do that?

Jaddu laughed. While you were busy arguing with me! I used my brain and got it done.

Hardik shook his head in amazement. You really are something else, Jaddu.

Jaddu smirked. Told you I’m good at this stuff.

Hardik chuckled Well, you definitely surprised me. Good job, you idiot.

Jaddu laughed. Thanks, buddy. Now let's get home and celebrate.

Hardik and Jaddu arrived at their mansion, where they find their old enemy sitting on the sofa in the hall, waiting for them. Hardik's face twisted in anger as he saw him.

How did you get in here? Hardik demanded, glaring at the man. How dare you enter my mansion?

The man laughed evilly. Have you forgotten that I was the boss of this place before you? You took this place from me, remember?

The person in anger continued. You stole this mansion from me, Hardik. Do you remember that?

Hardik looked at the person and said, You lost to me before, and you'll lose again. You must enjoy losing, don't you?

The person smirked. You know what, Hardik? That secret you've been hiding from everyone, I know about it now. And yes, your little weakness.

Hardik's face remained stern, but the person saw fear in his eyes.

Well, well, the person continued, with an evil smile. The fear I see on your face right now—who is it for? Is it for yourself, or for someone you care about? Tell me, Hardik.

Jaddu, unable to hold back any longer, stepped in and said, Enough is enough. Who are you and why are you here? You better tell me.

The person placed a hand on Jaddu’s shoulder and mockingly said, Oh, why so angry? I’m older than you. Is this how you talk to your elders?

He then walked over to Hardik. I have to go now, but we’ll meet again soon.

Turning back to Jaddu, he added with a smirk, And Jaddu, don’t go out alone. You never know what might happen. Understand?

After the person left, Jaddu turned to Hardik and asked, Who was that person, and why did he come here? Is he an enemy of yours?

Hardik sighed. Yes, he's my enemy. But forget about what he said. I'll handle him. You were talking about a party, right? Let’s have a party tonight. Just us, no outsiders.

Jaddu's face lit up with excitement. Great! Let’s freshen up. Yeah, party, party! he exclaimed, heading towards his room.

As Jaddu walked away, Hardik's expression turned stern. He called his guards and, with anger in his voice, asked, How did that man get in here? Who let him in?

One of the guards stepped forward, nervous. Sir, he said he was a friend of yours and that if we didn't let him in, you would be angry with us. He claimed you valued him greatly.

Hardik's eyes flashed with fury. Enough! That man was lying. Listen carefully: double the security around the entire mansion. I don't want any more untidiness.

The guards nodded and hurried to carry out his orders, while Hardik took a deep breath, thinking about the unexpected threat they now faced.

In evening   Hardik and Jaddu walked into the hall and saw that the party preparations were complete. Jaddu turned to the guards and said, Everyone, enjoy the party No stress tonight okay

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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