Ashwin - jaddu (part 2)

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The next day, Jaddu was at the soccer field, practicing with his friends. They were running drills and enjoying the warm morning sun. After practice, they gathered around to catch their breath.

One of Jaddu's friends, nikhil walked over with a curious look. "Hey, Jaddu. Why didn't you pick up my calls last night? I called you so many times. We had a night out planned, remember?"

Jaddu looked a bit sheepish. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, nikhil. I was...caught up in something."

Nikhil raised an eyebrow. "Caught up in what? You didn't even message back. We were all wondering where you were."

Jaddu smiled, remembering the previous night. "Well, I ended up staying over at Ashwin's place."

Nikhil eyes widened in surprise. "Ashwin? You mean the guy you saved in the park? Wow, that sounds interesting. What happened?"

Jaddu chuckled. "Yeah, him. He invited me over for dinner to thank me. It was really nice, actually. We had a great time, and then it started raining really hard, so he insisted I stay the night."

Nikhil grinned. "Sounds like a fun night. No wonder you didn't see our calls. So, are you guys friends now or something?"

Jaddu glared. " shut up!!  He's a good guy. I'm glad I got to know him better."

Nikhil patted Jaddu on the back. "Well, I'm glad you had a good time. Next time, just shoot me a message, okay? We were worried."

Jad smiled apologetically. "I will.

After practice, Jaddu went home, took a shower, and sat down for dinner. As he ate, his thoughts kept drifting back to Ashwin.

"Ashwin is so kind and loving," Jaddu thought, smiling to himself. "But why is he so attractive? Every time I'm near him, I can't seem to say anything. I just get so nervous."

He pushed his food around on his plate, lost in thought. "I want to talk to him. I really do. Maybe I should call him or send a message. But what would I say?"

Jaddu felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. "He's probably busy. But I can't stop thinking about him. I really enjoyed last night, and I want to see him again."

He finished his dinner and sat at the table, staring at his phone. "Should I call him? Or maybe just a message to see how he's doing?"

Jaddu took a deep breath and picked up his phone. "I'll just send a quick message," he decided, typing out a simple text.

"Hey Ashwin, it's Jaddu. Just wanted to say thanks again for last night. I had a great time. Hope you're doing well."

He hit send and felt a flutter of anticipation. "I hope he replies soon," Jaddu thought, feeling his heart race a little. "I really want to talk to him."

The next day

Ashwin was sitting in the college library, surrounded by books and deep in study. His phone buzzed, and he glanced at it. Seeing Jaddu's name on the screen, he felt a surge of excitement.

"Hey Ashwin, it's Jaddu. Just wanted to say thanks again for last night. I had a great time. Hope you're doing well."

A wide, affectionate smile spread across Ashwin's face. "Jaddu messaged me first!" he thought, unable to contain his happiness. "He actually reached out to me!"

Overcome with joy, Ashwin impulsively shouted, "Yes!" forgetting for a moment where he was. The sudden outburst drew the attention of everyone in the library. They all turned to look at him.

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