Hardik - Rahul

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Hardik enters a cozy cafe, scanning the room for a free table. He spots one and quickly makes his way over, accidentally bumping into Rahul who is seated nearby, quietly reading a book.

Hardik: Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there.

Rahul: It's okay. No harm done. Are you alright?

Hardik: Yeah, just in a bit of a rush. Mind if I sit here?

Rahul: Not at all. Go ahead.

Hardik takes a seat, and an awkward silence ensues. He fidgets with his phone, occasionally glancing at Rahul's book.

Hardik: What are you reading?

Rahul: "To Kill a Mockingbird." It's one of my favorites.

Hardik: Really? Never read it. I'm more of a spontaneous reader, you know?

Rahul: I can tell. You seem... lively.

Hardik: (laughs) That's one way to put it. I'm Hardik, by the way.

Rahul: Rahul. Nice to meet you, Hardik.

Hardik: Same here. So, what brings you to this cafe?

Rahul: I come here often to read. It's

Hardik: I can see that. Mind if I join you next time? Maybe you can recommend me some good books.

Rahul: Sure, I'd like that.

A week later, Hardik and Rahul meet again at the same cafe. This time, Hardik has a book with him.

Hardik: Hey Rahul! Look, I got a book for you. It's one of my favorites.

Rahul: (smiling) "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Interesting choice. I'll give it a read.

Hardik: Great! So, what do you have for me?

Rahul: Here, try this one. "Pride and Prejudice." It's a classic.

Hardik: (chuckles) A classic, huh? Let's see if I can handle it.

It's been a week since Hardik last came to the cafe. Every day, Rahul sits at their usual table, hoping to see his lively friend walk through the door.But the days pass, and Hardik doesn’t show up.

Rahul’s POV:
Where could Hardik be? It’s not like him to just disappear. Has something happened to him? Is he in trouble? The thoughts swirl around in my mind, refusing to settle. I miss his chatter, his laughter, the way he could turn even the most serious  topics into lively discussions.

I don’t have his number, which is frustrating. We always met here, at the cafe. It was our unspoken agreement, our routine. Now, I realize how little I know about him. Where does he live? Where does he work? How can I reach him?

Every time the door opens, my heart skips a beat, hoping it’s him. But it never is. The cafe feels emptier without him, quieter, and not in a good way. I miss his chaos, the way he would fidget with his phone, his eyes lighting up when he talked about something he was passionate about.

I wonder if he’s okay. What if he’s sick? Or worse, what if he’s hurt?  I want to find him, to make sure he’s alright, but I don’t know where to start. I feel helpless.

The days drag on. I come to the cafe out of habit and hope, but my heart isn’t in it. I reread the same pages of my book, my mind too distracted to focus. Everywhere I look, I see reminders of him. The chair where he always sat, the table where we shared our first conversation, the counter where he once spilled his coffee in his usual hurried manner.

I never realized how much he had come to mean to me until now. His absence is like a hole in my daily life, a void that can’t be filled. I miss him more than I thought possible. I hope he’s safe. I hope he comes back soon. I just want to see him again, to hear his voice, to know that he’s okay.

One day Rahul is sitting at his usual table in the cafe, deeply engrossed in his book. Suddenly, the door swings open and Hardik walks in with a big smile on his face. Rahul looks up and is initially shocked to see Hardik. He quickly gets up,  in anger and concern on his face, and walks over to Hardik.

Rahul: Hardik! Where have you been all this time?  no visits to the cafe. What happened? (His voice trembles with emotion.) Why didn't you tell me? I was so worried!

Rahul's eyes fill with tears as he speaks, and he starts to cry. Hardik, seeing Rahul's distress, becomes concerned and pulls him into a hug.

Hardik: Hey, hey, I'm so sorry, Rahul. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I had to deal with some urgent family issues, and I couldn’t get in touch. I’m really sorry.

Rahul hugs Hardik tightly, tears still streaming down his face.

Rahul: (sobbing) You have no idea how scared I was. I thought something terrible had happened to you. I missed you so much, Hardik.

Hardik: (softly) I missed you too, Rahul. More than you know. I hated being away and not being able to tell you what was going on.

Hardik gently wipes the tears from Rahul's face and looks into his eyes.

Hardik: Listen, I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. I promise. Let’s sit down, and I’ll explain everything.

They go back to their table and sit down. Hardik takes Rahul's hands in his.

Hardik: My grandmother fell seriously ill, and I had to go to my hometown to take care of her. It was sudden, and everything was in hurry . I didn’t have a moment to breathe, let alone contact anyone. I’m really sorry I left you without informing you.

Rahul: (sniffling) I understand, but you should have told me somehow. I was so lost without you.

Hardik: I know, and I regret it. I should have found a way. I never want to put you through that again. You mean too much to me.

Rahul: (smiling weakly) Just promise me you’ll never disappear like that again.

Hardik: I promise. I’ll always find a way to let you know what’s happening. I care about you too much to let you worry like that again.

Rahul squeezes Hardik’s hands, feeling relief .

Rahul: I care about you too, Hardik. More than I can say. I’m just glad you’re back.

Hardik says to Rahul, "I've felt something special these days, and I want to give you a surprise." He plans to take Rahul to a beach in the evening where he has already arranged everything to propose. He blindfolds Rahul and drives him to the beach.

As they reach the beach, Hardik carefully helps Rahul out of the car. The sound of the waves and the scent of the ocean fill the air. Hardik leads Rahul to the exact spot where he has set up the surprise. The soft sand beneath their feet and the gentle atmosphere .

When they finally stop, Hardik removes Rahul's blindfold. Rahul's eyes slowly adjust to the light and take in the beautiful scene before him: a pathway of candles leading to a heart-shaped arrangement of flowers, with a small table holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Rahul is stunned and speechless at the sight.

As Rahul turns around to take it all in, he sees Hardik down on one knee, holding a ring. With excitement and nervousness, Hardik looks up at Rahul and says, "Rahul, these past days have made me realize how much you mean to me. Will you marry me?"

Rahul, overwhelmed with emotion, feels tears welling up in his eyes. He smiles, nods, and says, "Yes, Hardik, I will!" They hug, knowing they are about to start a new chapter of their lives together.


I know the chapter are short but  if you want me to take this concept further in the next chapter then tell me in the comments .

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