Hardik - Jaddu

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Hardik, a name that sent shivers down the spine of every gangster in Mumbai. Ruthless, cold, and powerful, he ruled the city's underworld with an iron fist. From a young age, Hardik had faced countless hardships that shaped him into the formidable figure he was today. His life had been a relentless struggle, filled with pain and adversity. But in this dark and dangerous world, there was one person who brought a light into his life - his childhood friend, Jaddu.

Jaddu was the complete opposite of Hardik. Where Hardik was serious and ruthless, Jaddu was carefree and mischievous. He could make anyone laugh with his antics.

One day, Hardik had an important meeting with a other gang. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with unspoken threats and serious negotiations. Hardik sat at the head of the table, his expression stern, discussing terms with the other gang leader. Jaddu, as always, was by his side, though his attention was elsewhere.

While Hardik and the other gang member exchanged serious words, Jaddu was busy balancing a spoon on his nose. He was completely lost in his own world, grinning as he managed to keep the spoon balanced.

Hardik noticed and shot Jaddu a sharp glare, his eyes silently commanding him to stop.

Jaddu, noticing Hardik's stern look, quickly took the spoon off his nose and quietly placed it back on the table. He then moved his chair back and sat quietly, trying to stay out of sight.

The other gang leader gave a puzzled look but continued the serious talks.

Jaddu takes his chair and quietly moves to sit behind the other gang members, right by the wall. He starts making funny faces at them, trying to stay unnoticed. One of Hardik's guards joins him and hands him a gun. Jaddu and the guard pretend to shoot at the gang members in a playful.

Meanwhile, Hardik is having a serious conversation with the gang, discussing important matters. He notices Jaddu's antics out of the corner of his eye. Seeing the funny faces and the pretend shooting, Hardik struggles to keep his laughter.

He tries his best to stay serious, but a smile starts to creep onto his face.

Other Gang Leader: Hey Hardik, what's up with you? Why are you suddenly laughing? Is there a joke going on that I don't know about?

(Hardik starts to get angry at this.)

Jaddu (stepping in): Oh, no no our boss Hardik here sometimes just laughs randomly. He wasn't laughing at you, seriously.

(Hardik looks confused at Jaddu, who winks at him and gestures to stay calm.

Other Gang Leader: Oh, I see. Got it. So, Mr. Hardik, tell me, do you like this contract? It's mostly in your favor. All you have to do is bring in a container of guns from outside without the government noticing. Can you handle that?

Hardik: Hmm, there's a risk in this, but Hardik likes taking risks.

(Hardik says this and shakes hands with the leader. As soon as the leader leaves, Hardik goes straight to Jaddu.)

Hardik: You couldn't stay serious in such an important meeting? Explain yourself, Jaddu.

Jaddu (smiling): Well, you're already serious enough for the both of us. What would I do being serious?

(Hardik glares at Jaddu, then turns to his bodyguard.)

Hardik: And you, what were you up to with him? I saw everything. Playing games behind my back? 🤨

Bodyguard: Boss, I was just...

Hardik (cutting him off): Don't lie to me. I saw you. You think I don't know what's going on? Straighten up, or else I know other ways to make sure you do.

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