Chapter 2

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No one's POV:

When Seiji was about to leave, a hand was placed on his head. His eyes met the light blue ones of another. 

"Stop crying now. You are big strong boy, right? You should not cry and face whatever is thrown at you with bravery." A certain bluenette said comforting words.

Seiji's eyes widened.

Seiji's POV: 

I was shocked when I saw someone holding my cheek with one hand rubbing of the tears falling from eyes while the other on my head.

The person has light blue hair and eyes. They were so beautiful like the ocean.

When he said those words, I felt myself not feeling despair anymore.

The next I knew, I was pulled into a hug. Those warm hands rubbing my back as was comforting me. I felt all my tears stop. I wanted to feel this warmth for a very long time. 

 'Is this how it feels to have a papa?' I thought 'I want this feeling to never end.'

The next thing I know, I was hugging him back, my tears stopping. 

Akashi's POV:

I was shocked when I saw someone hugging my son. Not only was I, but everyone was shocked seeing what was happening. 

Seiji does not allow anyone other than me or my friends and their children hug him. Not even his personal butler that I hired has been able to accomplish such.

I thought Seiji would have pushed him away, but he was hugging him back and if you look closely, Seiji was barely crying anymore.

Who was this guy!?

No one's POV:

Everyone was shocked seeing the blunette hugging the little Akashi.

"Who do you think you are!? Hugging my son like that!" Akashi asked–shouted at the bluenette.

Kuroko let go of Seiji and looked at Akashi in the eye.

Everyone's eyes widened. No would dare look at Akashi in the eye.

"Can't you see your son is crying and was about to leave! What would have happened if he actually left!?" Kuroko answered back. You could sense he was kinda pissed.

Akashi's eyes flickered. "I would have him back in a minute." He said as he glared at Kuroko. Kuroko kept his usual emotionless pokerface.

"Hah! Seriously? Why don't you comfort him and make sure he does not cry and show him love? I'm pretty sure he would never leave you then." Kuroko said as he looked at Seiji.

Seiji was still mesmorised by the bluenette.

When Akashi heard those words, he felt hurt. He wanted to prove the blunette wrong but it was the truth. He could not argue with him.

The GoM and their children were standing there watching the scene.

Suddenly when Kuroko was about to get up and leave someone prevented him. It was Seiji.

"Don't leave. Please!" Seiji begged the bluenette.

"But I gotta make this delivery." Kuroko said trying to make the kid understand.

"Is this delivery perhaps a chocolate milkshake and some sandwiches?" Aomine asked.

Surprised, Kuroko nodded his head saying "It is for someone named Akashi Seijuro but was ordered by someone named Midorima Shintarou."

"Midorima would be me." Midorima answered.

"And Akashi would be me." Akashi said as he was astonished by Kuroko. 

He had never seen anyone like him. His sky blue hair and sky blue eyes were as beautiful as the ocean (like father like son) and were matching his pale white skin. His attitude towards him and him having guts to look at him in the eye. Before you know it Akashi was just like his son, mesmorised by the bluenette.

" Ah, here's your order, sir. I didn't know that you were the CEO." Kuroko said as he picked up Seiji and the order and walked towards Akashi, giving him his order and Seiji.

But Seiji did not want to leave the warm arms of the bluenette.

"Who....who are you?" Kise asked.

"I'm just a normal person." Kuroko replied.

As Kuroko was about to leave, Seiji whispered to his father that he did not want the bluenette to leave. Akashi smirked. 

"Wait! Can't you stay? What's your name?" He asked before Kuroko could leave.

"No I can't stay. And my name is Kuroko Tetsuya. I'll be off then." Kuroko said as he waved to Seiji when he left.


























After Kuroko left.

"Dad. I want him to be my papa. Please dad!" Seiji pleaded his dad.

"You and me have the same thinking, ne Seiji. Don't worry, he will be ours as I am absolute." Akashi said as a big smirk came across his face.

"Who is he?" The children questioned themselves as well as their parents.

"Aka–chin, have you found the one? Because I think you have." Murasakibara said as he was eating popcorn when the drama was going on.

He was enjoying himself quite alot but was also scared of Akashi as he was glaring at the bluenette but later, his eyes were just like Seiji's. Fixed upon the bluenette.

"Looks like I have Atsushi." Akashi said as let Seiji down. "Kuroko Tetsuya huh? This going to be interesting" he said as a grin crept into his face.

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