Chapter 5

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Few hours ago

No one's POV:

When Akashi was leaving the meeting room Reo came upto him.

"Sei–chan! Look who's here! It's Seiji–chan!" Reo said holding little Seiji.

"Seiji, what are you doing here?" Akashi asks as he takes Seiji into his arms.

"Well, you see, I wanna see papa! I miss him so much! Please otou–san, I wanna see him!" (a/n: I made Seiji say otou–san instead of dad. They are the same thing so just making him say it in Japanese seemed a little more better. I hope you understand) Seiji pleaded Akashi with puppy eyes.

"Well, why not? I feel like seeing him again anyway." Akashi said as they walk towards the elevator. "Reo, do I have any more meetings today?" 

Mibuchi started to scroll through his tablet and said "It looks like you don't have any, Sei–chan. Your schedule is free for the next 2 days."

"Oh, that's just great. So let's go right now. What do you say Seiji?" Akashi said smirking as they walk out of the elevator.

"Yay! I can't wait to see him." Seiji said hiding his face in his father's suit.

"Well let's go then! Even I wanna see him!" Mibuchi said cheerfully as they walk towards the car.

"Akashi–sama" the driver greeted, Nebuya Eikichi greeted him. He is wearing his driver's uniform and was standing beside a crimson red car. Yes it is Akashi's car. (a/n: I'm good with cars so just think of a good looking expensive car. I'm sorry for my general knowledge 😭😭)

"Eikichi" Akashi greeted him back as Nebuya opened the car door and Akashi and Seiji going inside. After that, Mibuchi sat at the seat next to the driver's seat and Nebuya got in the driver's seat. (a/n: I don't know if I got the grammar right here. If I didn't then I'm sorry, but if I did, then just my luck I guess.)

"So where are we going today, Akashi–sama?" Nebuya asked as he started the car's engine. 

"To xxxxx cafe." Akashi said as put Seiji down onto the seat next to him.

"And please hurry, Nebuya–san." Seiji sending death glares.

Both Nebuya and Mibuchi felt a shiver down their spine as Nebuya drove off.

'Like father, like son' they both thought.































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