Chapter 3

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Akashi's POV:

Ugh! What an annoying day. I thought as I walked through the door of my large mansion. "Good afternoon Akashi –sama." the maids and butlers who were at the door wished me. I nodded my head as a reply.

Seiji said he wanted to go to Daiki and Ryouta's place to play with Kyousuke and Katsuhiko (Kyousuke's twin brother). I just let him go as I had a meeting in the morning.

It had been a day since I met Tetsuya. Ha.... wish he was with me right now. He was the only one other than him, who ever faced me eye to eye. I never felt warmth towards anybody else.

Just as I was about to have a seat at the dining table, someone came in.

"Sei–chan!" I turned my attention towards the door. It was Mibuchi Reo, my secretary.

"Reo." I looked at him as if saying hello.

"Sei–chan, I got the information you asked for. Here!" He said as he gave me some documents.

Ah, it must be the background research I told him to do on Tetsuya.

"So Sei–chan. Are you really interested in him?" He asked me.

"And what makes you think that?" I questioned him back with slight smirk on my face.

"Well, you told me to do a background research on him and also the way you spoke about him gives it away." He answered.

"Hah. I see. Well maybe I do. It's just that I never felt the feeling I had around him with anyone else other than him. I thought maybe he was the one." I said as I sighed in defeat.

"Hah, I see. Well, I'll be going now. Call me if you need me Sei–chan!" He said as he left waving goodbye.

I looked into the document and read.

Name: Kuroko Tetsuya. Age: 18 years old. Gender: male, omega. Birth date: January 31st. Third year in Seiren highschool. Works part–time at xxxxxx cafe.

I read as I had a smale smile on my lips. But I frowned as I read the rest.

His parents died in a car accident when he was only 5 years old and the family he had was his grandma but his grandma also died when he turned 15 years old. He had no family. 

His entire family was dead. He's all alone. Well not for long. Let's see how much of my attention you will get Kuroko Tetsuya~  as I am absolute!
























With Seiji

No one's POV:

Seiji was playing with Katsuhiko when Kyousuke had asked him a question.

"Seiji, who was that?"

"Who was who?" Seiji questioned him back.

"Yea! Who was who?" Katsuhiko also asked with curiosity.

"Y'know–ssu! The guy at your dad's office the other day." He answered.

"Oh! You mean the one who comforted me? Didn't you hear him introduce himself? His name is Kuroko Tetsuya!" Seiji said as his eyes were shining. You could say he was really excited.

"Who's this and why don't I know about this?" Katsuhiko asked, as you could feel he was about to murder someone.

"How are you supposed to know when you didn't wanna go to school ni–chan!" Kyousuke said in mocking tone.

Katsuhiko's face was red from bot anger and embarrassment.

"I don't know exactly," Seiji said as he looked down "but the warmth he showed me, it felt as if it was supposed to be there ever since I was given birth. Like the warmth a mother gives his child." he completes his sentence.

"Really–ssu?/Really?" The twins asked him.

Seiji nodded his head saying yes.

"So, why did you let him go?" Kyousuke asked.

Katsuhiko's eyes widened. 

"You let him go!?" He shouted.

"Don't scream ni–chan! If the neighbours hear us and tells papa, he's going to lecture us–ssu!" Kyousuke said.

Katsuhiko and Seiji could only imagine a pissed off Kise. 

"Fini fine but what exactly are you gonna do Seiji? I know you are not the type to let someone go that easily." Katsuhiko asked as he knows Seiji very well.

" Oh don't worry about it. Dad said he will bring Kuroko–san home to me" Seiji said as a smirk he on his face. 

"Kuroko–san will be my papa. And that's final as I am always absolute just like my dad." 










Hello minna–san! How do you like this story so far? If I need to change anything please tell me! Arigatou!

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