Chapter 4

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No one's POV:

Kuroko was packing his things as he was about leave his classroom. Yes he is in school right now. Just as he was about to leave, a boy with light–dark chestnut brown hair came upto him.

"Kuroko! You have time to stop by at Maji Burger?" The boy asked him.

"Ogiwara–kun." Answered the bluenette. 

Yes it was his childhood best friend, Ogiwara Shigehiro.

"I mean we don't have practice today so why not." Kuroko said.

(a/n: If your wondering what practice Kuroko is talking about, he's talking about basketball practice. Kuroko and Ogiwara are both in the basketball club. I didn't change the plot line completely.)

"Then let's go!" Ogiwara said as he wrapped his arm around Kuroko's neck as they walked out of class.

"So how has work been?" Ogiwara asked as they walk down the hallway. 

"It has been going smoothly if you ask me." Kuroko said with his usual expressionless look.

"Really? I thought it would be really hard you know. I mean with your studies and also you leave your work at what 9:00 p.m. or something?" 

"Yea but I'm used to it." Kuroko said.

"But still yo–"  "Ogiwara–kun," Kuroko cut the brunette "I told you I don't need anyone's help. I can handle it all by myself." Kuroko said giving him a comforting look.

Ogiwara hada slight blush on his face. "But Kuroko, you do know that my parents are one of the richest people in the country. I'm pretty sure spending a few thousand yen on my best friend is nothing to them." Ogiwara spoke rubbing the red off of his face.

"I'm sorry Ogiwara–kun, you already know my answer is 'no' so why try over and over again. You are really stubborn you know." Kuroko replied as they wait for the light to turn green so that they can cross the road.

"Oi! I could say the same to you. You are even more stubborn than me!" Ogiwara said as he had a childish pissed off face.

"Ha... let's just go. I need to go to work soon." Kuroko sighed in defeat as he crossed the road leaving Ogiwara behind.

"O–oi! Wait up for me!" Ogiwara screamed as he ran upto Kuroko.

"Don't run on the road Ogiwara–kun. It is dangerous." Kuroko said as if a mother is scolding her child.

"Ok mom!" Ogiwara said exaggeration the 'mom' bit.

Kuroko sighs as they walked into Maji Burger and towards the counter.

"What may I get you young man?" The lady at the counter asked Ogiwara.

"I would like a burger and a soda. And..." Ogiwara silenced the moment.

"And what else?" The lady asked waiting for the rest of the order.

"And I would like a vanilla milkshake please." A voice said making the lady jump. 

"Si–since when were you there?" The lady questioned still trying to process everything.

"From the beginning." Kuroko answered.

"O–ok! Coming right up!" The lady said as she placed our order.

"Pfft!" A sound made Kuroko look at Ogiwara who was barely holding his laughter. 

"Ne! Ogiwara–kun! Stop laughing!" Kuroko pouted making Ogiwara burst out laughing. 

"Ogiwara–kun!" Kuroko pouted even more.

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