Flight day

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Max woke up without the Monegasque he let sleep on him by his side, he didnt know if he liked Charles like that and if Jos found out he would get yelled at for months.

Charles had woken up Carlos telling him he needs to go back to where he was staying since they had a flight at 9, he offered to help the Spaniard pack back at his apartment and get him breakfast, they told max and he understood. they headed to the spaniard's apartment and helping him pack.

after packing they headed to the Airport and boarded a private plane to Australia and got drunk since it was a Wednesday and they had time to prepare for Friday. so they drank vodka with lemonade or monster, "Carlos.. i think i like someone." he slurred out drunk the Monegasque was really drunk while the Spaniard was tipsy. "hm really Charles? who.?" Carlos really thought he liked Alexandra, but PR made them seem together. "Max.. please dont tell.." The Monegasque was really nervous drunk. "hey bud i wont tell." he hugs the Monegasque and told him to sleep.

once they arrived they found out they would be sharing a hotel room together and that Charles would have to hide his things really well from Carlos or he could risk his career, so he hid the blade and pills in the nightstand with the bandages Max had found in his shopping bag he wasnt going to let Carlos see them.

He made food for Carlos after he took a couple pain killers and made him some pasta, handing him it and taking his smaller portion to the kitchen to eat slowly. once he had eaten half he put it in the fridge and went to the sim race which was transported there also. "Cabron can i join?" The Spaniard asked, Charles turned his head. "mhm, yeah! should we stream it?" Charles laughs at his idea. "yeah we should!" Carlos laughed with him.

Sorry its been 4 days since the last, and that i have been trying to come up with ideas, its 2am on a school night, my vapes died currently on charged and im trying to focus a little towards my mental health. and that i will keep uploading every 2-4 days! have a good day/night

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