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trigger warning Jos Verstappen mentioned😗

Once Max got Charles to calm and breathe properly again he asked him. "Charles what was that about.?" Max calmly asked him no signs of pity incase the younger disliked being pitied since he knew how it felt. "Nightmare." he whispers. Max nods understandingly he sometimes gets a few about Jos. "i sometimes get them.." Max told the Monegasque truthfully. Charles looked into his ocean eyes, "about Jos.?" he asked looking with pure admiration towards Max. "yeah, sometimes you have to try adapt to them and speak to someone.. have you ever spoken to someone?" The Dutchman looks at Charles back.

"yeah, he knows it all.." Charles once again whispered shakily. "Can i know who?" Max asks him carefully not to trigger anything. "Seb" his past teammate before Carlos, he kept in contact with the German as much as he could. he started to pick at his nails nervously. "Sebastian.? your past teammate?" Max felt a little jealous that Seb was helping more than himself. Charles nods at Max's question making Max a little more relieved, he was going to message Seb after the practice try learn something deeper about Charles and try help more he knew it was a invasion of his privacy but it was for his health. "Okay thats good Charles!" Max said in somewhat a cheerful way.

"Do you want me to stay here with you?" Max really hoped he said yes.

"please can you? i dont want to bother you much-" Max hushed Charles to stop worrying and that he isnt a bother at all. Max covered Charles with a blanket along with himself. he could see the Monegasque was zoned out, he gave a slight nudge to his leg. "hm?" Charles looked at Max shocked that he snapped him out of his thoughts. "c'mere" Max motions Charles to come into his embrace in which he caved in and crawled next to Max whom wasted to time in wrapping his arms around the Monegasque. "go to sleep Charles." Max whispers into his ear causing Charles to feel a shiver down his spine due to his warm breath tickling his neck.

Mac felt Charles's breathing slow as he stroked his back caringly telling him he was asleep. Max then drifted to sleep himself with his Rival in his embrace.

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