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It took me nearly an hour to find the basement.

The house is damn enormous with hallways designed to confuse people that I have to take another one when my destination led me back to the grand staircase.

With the help of few curses, I finally managed to take the right one until I stumbled to the same room where Roman had taken me.

I expected to see rotting corpses of my fellow soldiers still strapped on their chairs but all I found is a squeaky clean table and a polished surface as if I had imagined the disaster that had taken place here.

The flashlight shook in my grip.

As I delved deeper, the temperature began to drop. It's icy and fucking dreary, I wanted to bail as soon as I stepped foot inside the door that reeks of death.

Cautiously, I pushed it open.

At first, there is only unending darkness. However, when I stepped closer I noticed that there are cages, stretching far ahead. Empty rusty bars and dark prison cells.

Empty but bolted shut.

They could've put me here, I thought.

They could've locked me in of these cages until I will starve and they will bargain food for information. Or they could've just simply let me rot to death yet they chose to fuck me instead.

They chose to claim me and the thought made my insides erupt in wild butterflies.

Yupp, something'really wrong with me.

Somewhere in the distance, a rat squeaked.

I jumped, yelping.

"Kommandant?" a voice suddenly whispered in the dark.

I raised my flashlight to search for the source of the sound and another jumpscare seized me when the light directly shone on Connor's beaten face.

From the blood painting his face, he's nearly unrecognizable but when he called for me again, I instantly rushed to the bars.

"Mira!" he yelled, hands outstretched to reach for me.

I signaled for him to keep quiet.

He nodded.

"Can I at least touch you?" he whispered.

That gave me a pause.

He stretched his arms further, trying to have a grab of the shirt I wore but the action had me making an involuntary step backward.

I don't why I did.

During my time in the military, Connor is deemed safe for me yet there are times where his touches are nearly inappropriate. A fact that I willingly ignored, assuming it's his way to show that he cares.

I trust him.

He's my friend.

My right hand man.

I said those thoughts to myself, trying to force myself to take step forward.

However, the damage is done and I widened the gap between us instead. Father always taught me to listen to my intuition so I stayed a safe distance until his arms drooped against the bars.

"You believe them, don't you?" Connor angrily gritted.

His tone conveys betrayal and there's a glint on his eyes like I somehow wronged him.

Maybe I did.

Guilt is chipping my insides at the hurt twisting his face but I reminded myself of the flashes I've seen and the warning bells tolling at the back of my head.

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