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(Umm...jsyk. This hot mf is my inspiration for Roman 😏 and let's envision him as the young version of him😁)


10 years ago

Moscow. Roman, 25

"Yes, yes ma. We hadn't skipped our meals and yes we'll pay you and dedushka a visit soon" I sighed, exasperated.

She's a persistent one, always reminding me and Ronan to visit the old house for at least once a month.

But duty in the Russian military made it hard. Especially now, that another heated fight broke between a German and one of ours.

In fact, this winter should be our break but Ronan's out on a mission again too look for the motherfucker who beat a Russian soldier to death.

I'm expecting his return by now.

Meanwhile, I keep watch on our cabin, looking for any possible threats. Keeping it whole and safe.

"Just be certain. If you won't be here this coming christmas, I'd go there and drag you two here myself"

I shook my head, laughing.

The old lady is still talking like she isn't 43 with spine problems. She had us young and the repurcussions of having twins at 18 had her suffering hip pain now she's starting to grow old and gray.

"Yes, ma. I promise. We'll be there" I murmured to appease her.

I kicked a large ball of snow from my path.

This snowstorm is terrible, it's beggining to reach above my knees. I've been out here for maybe for fours but I'm used to the cold and I needed to scout the woods.

Sometimes, Ronan just chose to drop there from exhaustion after a mission. I can't have him freezing to death. He did that a lot of times that I need to drag his ass back to the cabin and reprimand him for not taking enough rest to crash.

Stupid baby brother.

He never listens.

"Well, any lucky lady you've impregnated this year yet?" Ma's voice is loud against my ear.

I chuckled.


She harrumphed on the phone and I braced myself for the sermon's that about to come.

"What? You can't get you dick wet? I'm growing old, Roman. I need cute, little grandsons to scream baby noises instead of your dedushka's constant grumbling about his knees"

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