This is a random reaction that I wanted to do for the characters in One Piece. This is for entertainment and for fun only! The topics that the characters will react are randomized. Expect short or long reaction in each chapter because I may have mot...
I decided to create what does my OCs looked like and Soph's short backstory in which the characters in One Piece do not know yet, but I decided to make it advanced for you all. So, here you go! This is Soph and Heather's Design I created for this fanfic.
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There it was, a figure standing on a grass field, filled with beautiful and different variety of flowers. This figure is the creator herself. No one has ever known nor heard about her, even her name is unknown to everyone, but 'She' is divine and filled with divinity coursing in her veins. Unfortunately, 'She' felt alone, lonely, and witnessed many things that happened in Earth, even if it is in a different time or era as she couldn't experience anything in it due to her being restricted to enter each world. Only 'She' can watch and learn in it.
Even though the world of One Piece is fiction in the mortal eyes, 'She' believes that such world exists in another universe. 'She' saw everything that happened in the world of One Piece, all the struggles, sadness, determination, and many more in it. 'She' then saw Luffy, one of the main characters have struggled and risked his life to protect and save everyone. Despite in trouble, Luffy is still smiling towards his 'nakama'. After all of the moments and experiences happened in the world of One Piece 'She' witnessed, she decided to give a gift to those who deserved to be understanding, learning, and knowing more about Luffy, and the outside of their world.
'She' smiled and decided to create a half of herself. A girl that is almost have the same features to the creator, the girl has the colored eyes of magenta, which is the opposite of the creator's green eyes, and the outfit almost similar to the creator. And her name is Soph (Means 'Wise' in Greek), and she is the one who has the role of being the host of the reaction event 'She' wishes to do. Soph slowly opened her eyes, felt confused and saw the creator in front of her.
"Who... Where am I?" Soph questioned.
"You are in my space, my home." The creator answered.
"Why am I here?" Soph questioned again.
"You are here to play a role of a host in a reaction event I wish to do." The creator said in a soft tone.
"A host? In a reaction event? But... Why me? Can't you do it yourself? If I am just asking..." Soph asked.
"Unfortunately, I have no access to enter this world... As I am restricted of it, and I do not know why... I only belong in the world of emptiness... That's why I created you." The creator said.
"So, you created me so I can enter this world...?" Soph replied.
"Yes, this is the world of One Piece, there it lies many pirates, marines, and everyone else... And each have different experiences and purposes in life. There is one that interest me... So then, I will grant you the knowledge I have seen through this world, and many more. And you shall guide them to it." The creator said.
"I am nervous about this..." Soph said.
"No need to be nervous, and besides... I also created a companion of yours, so you won't feel alone and the nervousness in you..." The creator smiled warmly and snapped her fingers.
There it was an owl appears to be sleeping on top of Soph's head. Soph giggled and the owl woke up.
"Hoot! What? Where am I?" The owl looked around.
"Hello there, your name now will be called Heather, and your purpose here is to assist and accompany Soph in times of need." The creator smiled.
"Hmmm... The name is indeed a nice! Well then, it's nice to meet you both, and I will be your trusty companion, Soph." Heather hoots.
"Thank you, Heather!" Soph chuckled.
"You should get going now and do not worry... That red jewel in your necklace, is a vision. I can see and watch everything that happened under the premises of the reaction." The creator said.
Soph nodded and gave her a big gratitude. A portal of going to the theatre occurs in front of them provided by the creator.
"We understand, and thank you... We will see you soon then!" Soph waved happily.
"Yes... Of course, I will see you soon... Thank you for making my wish happen..." The creator replied.
As Soph and her trusty owl companion Heather enters the portal, they are in a room, where it is a place where they rest. They saw the lists of the characters that needed to be sent in the theatre and only Heather can be able to do such thing. Both checked their main objectives and tasks. Then they finally talked to each other and planned how to make the reaction event in a better state. Minutes passed; they are finally prepared for the big and fun event.
And now... The reaction event had finally started...
Uwahhh!!! I hope it is not cringe or anything, but I wanted to make this advanced and all for you all to read. Additionally, part 2 of Luffy's charm will be way longer than I expected! So please wait and stay tuned!!! Thank you for reading this fanfic!!!