chapter 2

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   Ryujins pov :

As me and the girls we're walking to a restaurant to grab some food, i couldn't stop thinking about y/n. She cought my attention from the moment i layed eyes on her. Shes very beautiful. Am exited but also nervous to get to know her and i dont know why.

When y/n arrived, she found us instantly, Because we were sitting near the entrance.
" hey again!"
" hey y/n!"
We all waved at her.
"how was practice?"
Yeji asked.
- " honestly it was a bit tough but I'll get used to it."
- "you must be exhausted."
She nodded . All the warm ups and the dancing probably got her exhausted.
- "what do you want to order y/n?"
I asked her with as smile on my face.
- " I'll taks a sezar salad "
- " good chose".
- "now I'll introduce you to the girls a bit better than before. This is choi jisoo aka lia shes 20. This is shin ryujin shes 19. This is lee chaeryoung shes almost 19 and this is shin yuna shes 16 , but she turns 17 in December."
- "well , my full name is bae y/n and  am almost 18."
- " oh whens your birthday?"
Chaeryoung asked curiously.
- " june 10"
- "mines on june 5 !"
Chaeryoung said exactingly while y/n smiled at her .
- "y/n unnie, you look a lot like one of the kpop idols we know, but i just cant exactly tell who it is"
Yuna said to her.i was kind of thinking the same thing.
- "how about Irene unnie?"
yeji said giggling.
- "yeah , yeah her. They looks so alike"
- " shes actually my sister ."
WHAT? Shes Irenes sister ? We we're all shocked at that , expect yeji because she already knew .
- " You're both so beautiful, it must be in the gens"
She kindly smiled at my words.
- "your not so bad yourself "
- "thanks"
I winked at her.
- "ya , stop flirting with my friends ryujinah"
Yeji hit me playfully.
  Our foods and drinks arrived and we started enjoying it.
Y/ns pov:

After a drink or two and laughing and chatting with the girls it was time to  leave so we did just that.
- " y/n, we are going to our dorms with our van. You can come with us and we'll tell the driver to drop you off at your place. " (Yeji)
- " its ok thank you ,i'll call a cab "
She hit me with a smile.
- " are you sure?"
Ryujin assked .
- " yes. Thank you for tonight girls, it was nice spending time with you all and getting to know you. "
-  "it was nice spending time with you too , we hope we'll spend more time together in the future "
I hugged all of them and we said goodbyes.
  In the cab i couldn't stop thinking about the girl, but especially ryujin , she has some kind of a charm i can't really explain . I also can't stop thinking about tomorrow's practice, it most definitely will be harder than todays practice.

  Sorry for the late update and a short chapter . i kind of had a hard time writing this one + i got some eye infection 😭.

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