chapter 1

67 5 0

May 13 2020

Y/ns pov:

I woke up to my phone buzzing on the night stand. I looked at the clock and it was 8 am . Who could be calling at this time ? I picked up the phone and i answered the call .
- "hello this is jyp entertainment. Is this bae y/n" .
I was in shock. What is going on ?
-" yes this is she."
- " we need backup dancers for one of our groups new come back . We've heard a lot about your dancing and training ,so we'd love to hire you ."
I have dreamed about this , but i dont know if am Reddy yet .
- "is it ok if i think about it first ?"
- " yes of course. Let us know by tomorrow Evening."
- "okay goodbye"
They ended the call. It would be to work with jyp for a while but I am kind of nervous. What if I am not Reddy for this ? What if I am not good enough for this ?

I decided to talk to my sister about it . She always knows what is the best for me and she'll tell me what to do .
- "hey irene unnie ! Are you busy?"
- "hey y/n ! No not really, what's up?"
- "well... I got a call from jyp entertainment this morning offering me a job as a backup dancer for one of their groups new come back and i dont know if i should accept it or not . i Am kind of nervous about it "
- "y/n that's an perfect opportunity for you! If you're thinking of debating in the future this offer will help you out a lot . Also you are one of the best dancers I've ever met and you'd kill this job ."
- "so i should expect it?"
- "totally. "
- " okay I trust you. Love you , bye."
- " love you too."

I got up from the bed and went to the kitchen to make myself some food and then I'd call jyp and tell them what I've decided.
After i ate some eggs, i gave them a call.
- " hi this is bae y/n"
- " hey y/n! Have you made up your mind ?"
- " yes. I accept your offer."
- "that's brilliant. We will start practicing in  2 days . We will send you the details."
- "okay thank you . Could i also know Which group will i be working for?"
- "itzy"
- "thank you.goodbye"
- "see you soon y/n".
I'll be working with ITZY! Fucking itzy! I love itzy . Plus one of my friends, yeji is in the group so this will be fun .i should give her a call later and tell her the news.

2 days latter
Its time to walk in in the dance practice room for the first time. I am so nervous. I pull the door handle slowly , i open the door and walk in quietly.
- "Hello am bae y/n"
I introduced myself to everyone in the room . A girl with blonde long hair walked up to me and introduced her self.
- " hi am hanni"
- "hi am y/n! Nice to meet you "
- "nice to meet you too y/n. Off topic but you're really pretty."
- " why thank you . Your beautiful too "
She smiled at me.
  We chatted for a while but , then a staff member came and told us that it was time to begin learning the first part of the choreography.
The dance dosent seem so easy but, it isn't relly hard either. i think I'll still need to stay for a bit after everyone leaves to practice a little bit more.
After learning the first part step by step i want downstairs to get some water for me and hanni. While i was grabbing the water i heard a girl shout my name.
- "oh my gosh! y/n! I haven't seen you in so long."
Yeji greeted me with a huge smile on her face and a hug.
- " its been ages . How have you been ?"
- " I've been ok, how about you?"
- " I've been good. We definitely got a lot of catching up to do tho ."
I said as she smiled at me. The other members came closer to us, so yeji introduced me to them.
- " everyone this is bae y/n. Y/n this is lia "
- "hey y/n"
- "this is ryujin"
- "hi its nice to meet you y/n!"
- "its nice to meet you too ".
- "this is chaeryoung "
- "hi"
- "and this is yuna"
- "hey"
- " its so lovely too meet you all"
I said while giving them a huge smile.
- "yeji has actually talked about you a couple of times. We think you're really nice "
Lia said to me.
- " why ,thank you . I think you all are very beautiful and amazing"
They all smiled at me.
- " we are going to go grab some food later,it would be nice if you'd join us."
Yeji said to me.
- " I'd love to. I got a little bit more to practice and when I'll finish I'll give you a call."
- "practice for what? Are you an idol ? You do look like one "
Yuna asked.
- " no,  actually am going to be you guy's back up dancer for this comeback"
- " cool"
Ryujin said while others smiled at me.
- " I'll get going now see you soon"
- "see ya"
  I want back to the practice room.
- "what took you so long y/n!"
- " i bumped into some friends on the way "
I answered hanni.
- " wow ,you have friends here ?"
- "yeah"
- " are you like famous or something?"
I giggled.
- " kind of "
-" want to get some food after we're done ?"
- " maybe next time ? I have some plans after practice, sorry."
- "its ok."
We finished practiceing for the day at 6pm . I changed my clothes and gave yeji a call while walking out of the jyp building.
-" hey yeji its y/n.
- "hey y/n. Did you finish practice?".
- "yes. Are you guys still down on grabbing some food ?"
- "yeah ofc . We're at some food place I'll send you the location."
- "okay. Thanks I'll be there in 10."
- "see ya."
- "see ya"
I ended the call and called a taxi.
I suck at writing 1st chapters 🥲 but i hope y'all enjoy. 🩷

the back up dancer | shin ryujin x female reader Where stories live. Discover now