chapter 3

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Y/ns pov :
  As soon as a got home a collapsed near  the couch. Today was so tiring, even tho spending time with the girls was fun, i got the chance to meet them better, which I am glad about ,but everything other than that was tiring.
  I hear my phone buzz and I got up to grab it from the table,to see who's calling. It's my sister.
- "hey unnie ,what's up?"
- "hey y/n, how was today?"
- "it was really Tiring. Honestly,  I don't know how you guys do it."
I can hear her giggle .
- " yah y/n-ah , its been two day and you're already that tired?"
- " well , I am not too tired, but still."
- " did you meet anyone? "
- " yeah i met one girl named hanni, we get along well."
-" that's nice. Did you see yeji? It's been so long since you guys hung out ?"
- "yeah,  i was happy to see her"
- " how about the rest of the itzy girls ?"
- " yeah , we hung out yesterday to get to know each other."
I yawn.
- " go get some sleep now y/n"
- "goodnight"
- "goodnight."
She hangs up so I get up get ready for bed.

( The next day)

I was right on time for practice today, even tho somehow I slept through my alarm. Hanni grated me with a hug , as i sat next to her for the warm ups.
- " want to get some drinks after practice? "
She asked.
- " I don't know , i might stay to practice for a while after ."
-"I swear The warm-ups and the choreography  gets harder everyday "
I giggled, She wasn't wrong.

After we finished for the day, i started looking for a free practice room to practice for a bit . I walked in in  one of the rooms, because i couldn't hear music coming from it just to find some girls in there.
- "oh, am sorry. I thought the room was empty"
I could feel the girl's eyes on me.
- " y/nn its just us !"
Oh ,it's just the girls.
- " hey girls, How are y'all?"
- " we're good , how about you?"
Yeji replied, while standing up to give me a hug, as the others do the same.
- " am good."
- " hows practice? "
- " definitely a bit hard, i think of changing my career path at this point "
I joke.
- " Do you want to be an idol or a backup dancer?"
Yuna asks curiously .
- " i don't know ,i always wanted to be an idol by looking at my sister, but i enjoy dancing more than singing so."
- "what brings you here ?"
Chaeryoung asked .
- " i just wanted to practice some moves for a bit ."
- " are you having some difficulties  learning it ?"
- " not really, but i still need to clean up my moves. Have you guys finished learning it ?"
Lia replayed.
- "oh y/n, we're going to grab some drinks soon , want to come ?"
Ryujin offered with a sweet smile on her face. She has some kind of a charm i can't really explain.have i mentioned that before?
- "I'd love to, but i really should start practicing guys. "
I say while  looking  at the door .
- " are you really  kicking us out of our own  practice room?"
I jokingly slap ryujins arm.
- " we should get going then. Make sure to call me when you finish y/n , we might as well hang out if we're Around. "
- " will do yeji"
- "bye y/n. Make sure not to  practice too much tho"
Ryujin said to me , following with a friendly patt on my back.
-" bye "
I closed the door behind them. Am glad am working for them , or this would be somewhat boring.
After i finished practicing, i was really tired, so  i texted yeji that i wouldn't be able to hang out today and  i went home.

the back up dancer | shin ryujin x female reader Where stories live. Discover now