chapter 4

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Y/ns pov :
  Day 5 of practice here i come. I finally got enough sleep last night so i don't think I'll get that tired . We will most likely finish learning the whole dance today so thats good .  Am looking forward to seeing hanni and the girls again .
   After the practice i went to the same dance practice room i went to earlier to practice some more. 

Luckily When i walked in nobody was there , so I could practice in peace, or so i thought..  as soon as i turned the music on ryujin walked in.
- " Oh hey y/n."
-" Hey ryujin."
-" I thought the room was free I'm sorry. I'll go and find another one."
  I could feel the tiredness in her voice. It would be nice to practice alone , but i really don't want her to leave.
- " No it's ok, you can stay if you'd like. I wouldn't mind some company."
- "Me neither"
- " Where are the girls? Why are you alone?"
- " arent you happy to see me y/n?  "
I hit her arm playfully
- " They're at the dorms and i wanted to practice a bit"
-" .So ,have you finished learning the  choreography?"
  I ask. she takes a seat  on the crouch next to me .
" Yap , how about you?"
  I nod in response as she yawns.
- " You seem really tired ryujin , did you get enough sleep last night?"
- " Well , when you're an idol who's getting ready for a new comeback, getting enough sleep is nearly impossible."
She laughs
-" Poor you , that must suck."
  She nods .
- " Want me to  get some coffee for you  to wake you up a bit?"
- " You won't mind ? "
- " Not at all ."
- " Hold up, let me grab some cash fro-"
- " It's on me."
- " Thanks y/n! You're so sweet , I owe you one "
  I giggle as i make my way out of the room.
   When i get back with two coffes in my hand , i find ryujin fast asleep. I place the cups on a tabel and i get my phone to take a picture of her because she looks so adorable and also to tease her later. I grab my jacket and put it on her like a blanket,  so she doesn't get cold. I carefully take a seat near her and start scrolling on my phone .

After 30 minutes or so , ryujin started to wake up.
- " I fell asleep?"
  I nodd
- " Oh am sorry ."
- " Its ok you were really tired . I got your coffe "
   I point at the cup.
- " Thanks."
- " No problem."
- " You know, am glad the girls didn't tag along with me , because i get to spend some time with you alone "
  She winks at me.
- " Yah ryujin-ah "
  A hit her playfully as she yawns .
- "You can rest some more if you want to."
- " I'd love to but am hungry now. Want to go grab food with me ?"
- "I'd love to."
- " Lets go . The Foods on me!"
  She grabbed my hand and we rushed out of the room.
  We set in a some what a fancy restaurant nearby
- " what are you going to get y/n?"
- " Honestly, i can't choose so how about i get whatever your getting?"
- "okay"
She gestures the waitress to come so we can order.
- "what would you like ?"
   The guy asked nicely, while looking at the boths of us .
- " we'd like some Kimchi and wine please ."
- "would you like anything else ?"
- " do you want anything else y/n?"
- "nope . Thank you "
  As soon as the waiter left  i started  staring at ryujin .
- "What ?"
  She asks confused.
- " Wine really? We aren't on a date ."
- " This isnt a date ? "
"Yah ryujin-ah, you've been flirting with me all day!"
  She laughs .
-" Anwyays y/n. Tell me more about yourself. Is there anything you do other than dance?"
-"Well, i do some modelling here and there but nothing much"
- " Honestly, I am not surprised that you are a model, you're very attractive."
  Me face went red.
- "Shin ryujin , enough flirting for today!"
- " What ? am saying the truth! Look , you even blushed "
  We both laugh.
- " Well, tell me more."
  We chatted for a while before the food came .She is a nice listener and an interesting person honestly. I get along with her very we'll. 

When we finished eating ryujin gestured for the waiter to come so she could pay up .
- "You guys look so cute.  Am sorry if this is too personal but Are you guys dateing?"
   The waitress asked us . Both mine and ryujins checks went red instantly.
- " No we aren't"
  I answered.
-" Oh am sorry."
- "Its ok"
  I assure him  with a smile.
- "Have a nice day."
- "You too"

We got to the jyp entertainment building.
-  " Thanks for technically spending the day with me y/n . I really enjoyed it ."
  I smile .
- " no problem ryujin . I enjoyed it too."
- " sorry for not letting you practice tho."
- " thats fine ."
- " are you staying at the  dorms or are you going to head home ?"
She asks.
- " home "
- " should i call a cab for you?"
- " no its fine , my sisters going to pick me up today. Thanks."
- " I'll wait here with you before she comes then."
- " aren't you tired tho?"
- " am not that tired to leave my friend waiting outside alone in the dark."
I smiled at her as I get a text from Irene telling me  that shes here . i hug ryujin to  say goodbye.
- " thanks for today ryu"
Her face lit up when she heared the nickname i just thought of .
- "ryu."
- " i hope i see you soon y/n."
- " oh ,you will"
I say as we both say our goodbyes .

- hey unnie.
I got into my sisters car.
- hey y/n. Why were you here so late ? We're you practicing that much?
- " no . I just spent some time with a friend."
- " Did you see yeji today ?"
- " no, only ryujin that's who i spent the day with. We were supposed to practice but then she fell asleep and when she woke up she asked me to go out for food with her so we did just that."
- " i see.oh ,the girls asked me to say hi to you "
I smile.
- "  they should come over at my place soon. I've missed them."
- " we'll keep that in mind."
  I slowly started to drift away . I guess i got a bit tired.

the back up dancer | shin ryujin x female reader Where stories live. Discover now