Where is KZ?

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The day that KZ was sent through the Ancient Ones’ portal, it was the middle of winter.
He had landed in the woods safely. It was snowing, and as he looked around, a small snowflake
fell from the sky. KZ giggled and cooed at the snowflake as it gently landed and melted on his
little nose. A few minutes later, the wind changed. It became cold, and the icy wind wrapped
itself around KZ. He began to cry and scream for help. A young woman, who had been jogging
along a trail in the woods, found KZ.
“Where did you come from little guy?” The woman said to herself as she unzipped her
coat and wrapped him up in it. The woman looked around as if to try and see if his mother or
father were roaming nearby. When the woman realized that he was there alone, she zipped her
coat up around him. She held him close to her, and began to run as fast as she could to the
nearest hospital.
When the woman found a hospital, she ran in and was greeted by a nurse named Penny.
“Hello, how may I help you?” Penny asked.
Out of breath, the woman couldn’t speak, she just pointed to her coat zipper. Penny looked
down, and began to unzip the woman’s coat and gasped as she saw KZ. Penny quickly took him
in her arms and began to search for anything she could find to keep him warm.
“What happened to him?”
As the woman began to regain her breath, she slowly panted out, “I found him in the
woods.... He was freezing... I looked everywhere for any sign of his parents, but they were
already gone!”

KZ Bennekker Where stories live. Discover now