Stop staring!

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After a while, Joe pulled up in front of Mikey’s house. “Bye Mikey!” Joe yelled as Mikey
reached the door step to his house.
“Bye!” KZ yelled absentmindedly.
Joe began driving again. “Are you okay KZ? You seem kind of out of it.”
“I’m okay Dad. I think I just got one too many baseballs to the head at tryouts.”
The car was quiet the whole rest of the way home.
“Hey Dad.” KZ said as Joe turned off the car engine. “I think I  saw my Mom today.”
“What? I thought that Fiona was at work today.” Joe said more to himself than to KZ.
“No, not Fiona. I mean my birth Mom.”
“Oh... Wait. I thought you would be too young to remember what she looked like?.” Joe
“I don’t specifically remember her face, but I just saw this woman. She looked so much
like me. She had brown eyes just like mine, and golden, flowy hair. I saw her, and I just felt like
I knew her.”
“KZ, I know you wanna know who your mom is, but you can’t just go around trying to
find similarities between you and random women that you find on the street. It’s really creepy,
and I’m pretty sure you would freak a lot of people out that way.”
“But I swear I saw her! We looked exactly alike, and she was staring at me with a sad
look on her face.” KZ exclaimed.
“Okay, okay. I believe you KZ, but still, you shouldn’t just go around staring at a bunch
of random people on the street.”
“Okay Dad. I won’t.” KZ said with a slightly sad, and irritated look on his face.

KZ Bennekker Where stories live. Discover now