Chapter 9

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"Abby's pregnant"

"Sh-She's Pregnant?" I say letting go of his hands. A another single tear went down Dan's face "Why aren't you happy?" I Asked him, Why shouldn't he? They've been together for like. Ever. We're growing up...

"I-It's No-Not Mine" Dan broke down, Sobbing so hard I could barely make out what he was saying.

"WHAT? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT YOURS?!" I try to stand up but remember I'm in a car and would just smack my head off the ceiling. 

"Liv, Please. Just calm down, it's not your fault" Dan wimpperd 

"How about we get out of these cloths go back to my place and watch Netflix and scroll through Tumblr?" I switch over too Dan's side of the limo and place my hand on his knee.

"NO! I'm taking you too this dinner and We're going to have fun and eat and talk because I left you and I need y- I want too talk too you" Dan turned his head to be facing mine. I smiled and he smiled back, I kissed his forehead then nodded.

"But after that lovely plan can we PLEASE go watch Netflix and order Pizza?" I say as the Limo stopped at this very Fancy Restaurant with a french name I couldn't read.

"Of Course" Dan Smiled as he opened the door and got out. 

I Followed him out of the Limo and heard him Whisper something but Didn't hear it

"What was that Dan?" I ask 

"Huh? Oh- Nothing" he says closing the door to the long car. I stopped and looked him in the eye and noticed the tear stains, I took a Napkin out of my purse and wiped away his tears and cleaned his face up.

"Now you look like my amazing best friend that never gives up on putting a smile on my face" I smile grabbing his hand walking towards the door. 

Dan awkwardly walked in the Restaurant as I Followed along.

"Hi-Um, I have a reservation" Dan stutters too the Woman at the desk 

"Last Name?" She said with no facial expression. Looking down at the computer.


"Howell?" The Woman looked up in .1 of a second and her jaw dropped Opened.

"DAN HOWELL?!?" She said Instantly pulling out her phone handing it too me, practically jumping into Dan's arms

"Here make yourself useful and take my photo" As I went to grab the Phone Dan stopped me and handed the woman her Phone back.

"Sorry, She's not the one taking orders around here, Now that will be a table for 2 please" Dan said snapping at the Woman.

"Wow. Mr.Howell getting all Offensive over his little friend" she said giving me a dirty look "Right this way. Dan." 

Dan put his arm around me rubbing my shoulder. 

"Dan, it's okay" I say pushing his arm off, even though I kinda enjoyed it there, made me feel safe.

"Liv, No. I will not let my 'Fans' treat you that way" He said putting his hand back on my shoulder. "Tonight's our night and nothing will get in our way" Dan said kissing my cheek.

"Here you go" The woman grunted pointing to a small round booth "Drinks?" 

"2 Water with Lemon" Dan said Sitting down, as so did I 

"Alright" She turned around stomping away.

"Liv?" Dan said picking up the menu

"Yes Dan?" I say looking up from the menu

"Why were you with Caspar Today?"


559 Words

Sorry for it being a meh Chapter, I've recently moved to Tennessee and have literally no one... So here comes more fan fics

Twitter-  Liv_Madison



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