One-Shot: Sleepy

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mwahahahah im back for you nickloon fans  <3

ive finally returned cuz i just had to write this 

chapter 3 of my new book might come out today.... maybe? idk yet 

anywaysssss 565 words yay uhm ye :D

Summary: A sleepy Nickel snuggles with Balloon.


Balloon flips to the next page in his book as he waits for Nickel to come back. It was pretty late at this point, so he should return soon. He shifts around in his bed to get in a more comfortable position. 

Suddenly, he gets a message from his boyfriend. He picks up his phone to read it.

notnickle: bak 

babyballoon: you okay? you usually put a heart at the end

notnickle: tird

Balloon chuckles and put his phone back down. At that moment, Nickel opens their door enters the room, a tired look on his face. Instead of going to his own bed, he climbs up onto Balloon's and snuggles next to him and gives a soft purr.

"You must be really tired." Balloon says, a look of adoration on his face. 

"Mhm..." Nickel mutters back tiredly but glances up at his loved one. "What'cha reading...?"

Balloon smiles. "It's a romance book. I decided to buy it since it seemed interesting."

"Hmm..." Nickel hums in response, glancing over the pages. "That's a lot of words."

"Of course it is," Balloon giggles, going back to reading. "It's a novel."

Nickel blinks tiredly at him and says no more. Balloon turns to the next page. After a few minutes, he realizes that Nickel is sleepily reading with him, and feels his heart warm at how adorable he is. He strokes the top of Nickel's head, and Nickel leans into the touch, giving a content smile. 

Nickel tries not to fall asleep, but Balloon's soft touch and the aura of the room is making him. He tries to focus on reading the book, but occasionally glances up at Balloon, wanting a kiss. Balloon notices his glances and rolls his eyes.

"You want a kiss, don't you?" He asks softly, still petting him.

"Maybe..." Nickel mutters, looking away bashfully. 

Balloon tilts Nickel's head up towards him and kisses him softly. It's only for a few moments, but Nickel enjoys it. He loves Balloon's kisses. Nickel leans back into Balloon and gives a soft and cute yawn.

"Go to sleep." Balloon says to Nickel, giving him a loving smile.

"I can stay awake..." Nickel persists. Truly he just wanted to enjoy this moment with Balloon.

"You're tired." Balloon says sharply. "Sleep."

"Fine... stop acting like a mom though." Nickel responds. "Can I read a few more pages though?"

Balloon laughs. "You? Reading?" Nickel gives him a glare. "Alright, you can."

Nickel gives another purr and focuses on the book. It's not long before he drifts off into a deep sleep. Balloon notices this but keeps petting him. Eventually, he puts his book on his drawer, and wraps the covers around Nickel, who immediately snuggles in. Balloon giggles softly at this. He turns off the bedside lamp and climbs in next to the gray coin, wrapping his arms around him. Nickel cuddles into him, and Balloon gives a content sigh. Balloon drifts off in a few moments, smiling.

Nickel smiles in his sleep, knowing that Balloon is with him.


It was only like- 2 weeks.



Author and Writer cheer together.

Narrator sighs. I'm in love with an idiot, and now I have a child just like the idiot.

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