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I heard the bathroom door click open, and Tessa stepped out, wearing one of my basketball jerseys. The sight of her in my clothes, dwarfed by the oversized fabric, made something tighten in my chest. She looked so small, so vulnerable, and the urge to protect her overwhelmed me.

She moved slowly, almost hesitantly, as if each step required immense effort. Her face was pale, her eyes red-rimmed from crying.There was also a red mark on her cheek that hinted she'd been hit. I watched her as she walked toward the bedroom, her body tense and fragile like she might shatter at any moment.

"Tessa," I called softly, standing up from the couch where I'd been waiting. She didn't respond, just kept moving as if on autopilot. I crossed the room in a few strides, reaching her just as her legs gave out.

I caught her, holding her gently as she collapsed into me. She didn't cry, didn't make a sound, just clung to me with desperate strength. I could feel her trembling, the tension radiating off her in waves.

"It's okay," I murmured, stroking her hair. "You're safe now."

For a moment, she just held onto me, her face buried in my chest. Then, slowly, she started to relax, her body sagging against mine. I guided her to the bed, sitting down beside her and keeping my arm around her shoulders.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked gently, not wanting to push her but needing to understand. She shook her head, a fresh wave of tears spilling down her cheeks.

"I can't," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I can't even think about it without..."

I hugged her tighter, feeling a surge of helplessness. I hated seeing her like this, so broken and scared. "You don't have to say anything," I said softly.

I don't know what happened but I really hoped it had nothing to do with her douche of a boyfriend.

We sat there for a long time, Tessa curled up against me, her breathing slowly evening out. I didn't rush her, just held her and let her take the time she needed.

Eventually, she lifted her head, her red eyes meeting mine. "Thank you," she said, her voice still shaky but stronger than before.

"You don't have to thank me," I replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I'm just glad you're here."

She managed a small smile, the first I'd seen from her all night. "You're a good friend ," she said softly.

Friend? Right that was all I was. That was the practical label which described our relationship but why did it hurt to hear?

I force myself to smile back, relieved to see a hint of her old self returning. "I guess I am," I said lightly, though my heart ached at the thought of her going through this alone.

We talked for a while, the conversation shifting to lighter topics.

As the night wore on, her eyes grew heavy, and she leaned against me, her head resting on my shoulder. "I don't think I can keep my eyes open for a second longer" she murmured, her voice drowsy.

"Then sleep," I said softly. "You need to rest."

She nodded, her eyes already closing. I eased her back onto the bed, pulling the covers over her. She reached for my hand, holding it tightly. "Stay with me?" she asked, her voice small and vulnerable.

I gulped before nodding.

"Of course," I said, lying down beside her. She snuggled close, her body fitting perfectly against mine. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her securely.

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