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Weeks had gone by and Buzzsaw was starting to wonder on some things. He hadn't seen Polycephaly at all other than quick glimpses across a battle ground, even when he tried to sneak off he had been prevented by one of the other mutants demanding his help. Buzzsaw was starting to get frustrated with everything and getting snappy with everyone. They were also under new orders to not kill any of the tech heads unless pushed as the Boss Man was trying to convince the tech head Titans that they would need to team up because of the Astro Toilets. Buzzsaw acted like he wasn't too sure what that was all about other than the Astros being colossal pricks but he trusted G-Toilet, the guy hadn't really steered them wrong yet other than a few minor things. Looking around he could see some of the others using small EMPs to get away from the more aggressive tech heads, one day they'll listen but until then the Skibidi just had to keep going how they were. Then all of a sudden Swat turns up next to him.

"Rambo's got a surprise for ya Buzz, might get ya outta your foul mood. Wanna come see it?"

"Now what on earth could he have done?"

"Just come on, don't want ya to miss this."

As Buzzsaw followed Swat into a deserted warehouse he noticed a thick chain hanging from the ceiling with a large filled sack attached to the hook on said chain. Noticing the sack had something quite big in it but unmoving he wondered what the hell was going on as he spots Rambo poking at the sack with his fingers.

"Swat why the fuck are we in here? You going to tell me you've fallen so in love with that Office Clerk of yours and you don't want anyone else but us to know that it isn't just fucking, or some shit like that?"

"Pfft, if ya only knew Buzz. No, this is about you. Ya see, Rambo has a very special surprise for ya in that sack. Rambo, open 'er up would ya?"

Hearing that the much larger mutant donned a wide maniacal grin and pulled on the rope, unknotting it and letting the contents of the sack spill to the floor. The first thing Buzzsaw spotted was a whole load of black fabric with a small amount of purple in there as he heard a loud thunk of something heavy hitting the ground.

"Rambo caught the bastard skulking around and was able to hit him with one of the bigger EMP's. We all know you and this bastard here have been going for each other for a while now so Rambo figured you would want get a few hits in before dumping him somewhere. I know G-Toilet said not to kill the freaks, but he never said anything about not roughing em up."

Dawning realisation swept over Buzzsaw's face, no it couldn't be. He was going to have to be very careful here.

"Rambo EMP'd that fucking prick of a TV? The big bastard?"

"Yup, apparently he was ridiculously easy to hit once Rambo had cornered him. Dunno why ya have so much trouble with him really."

"It's not that I have trouble, I just like bloody toying with him." Buzzsaw huffs at Swat. He was thinking fast, trying to figure a way out of this for Polycephaly's sake. Walking over to the large TV, Buzzsaw reached out and pulled Polycephaly onto his back so he could see just how much damage the TV had taken. And it wasn't looking good, Buzzsaw could see webbed cracks across Polycephaly's main screen as well as no sub screens attached to any of his tendrils, a couple of which were sparking slightly on the clamp ends like the sub screens had been ripped off with a lot of force. Running his hand down his face he turned and looked at the other two mutants. "Did you seriously have to do this much damage to him? You know how the fucking massive TV of theirs likes to go for the Boss Man and if he finds out this has happened, he'll go for G-Toilet a lot more when we want them to work WITH us."

"Meh, it's just a tech head freak. Why are ya so worried? Or could it be that Ceph here means something to you hrm?"

"W-what? Swat for G-Toilets sake, would you make sense for once in your life?"

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