Wounded- Chapter Three

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Published: July 7 2015 Tuesday 3:53 a.m


July 3rd

"Ayah, we're going to be late setting up!"

"One second," I yelled down to Mama while rushing to the mirror to put in the last pin. Today we're going to my first cousins wedding a couple of towns over. Hopefully it will take my mind off of...things.

When I left the Diner to come home, I tried calling Jafar three times but there wasn't any answer. Normally I and any other woman would feel like something was wrong, but the sad truth is that this is normal. Before I picked up the phone I knew there was a 90% chance that he wouldn't answer due to the busy week ahead, but a girl can hope, right?

I grabbed my purse from the counter and jogged forward to get in the car. I'm surprised I didn't fall. Even though the heels are barely off the ground, they're not really my kind of shoe. It drives my family crazy, but my favorite shoes are converse. Hey, you can't knock 'em till you try them.

"Finally," Uncle Yaman exclaimed playfully, grabbing the key to start the car.

"Are we late?" I widened my eyes and peered at the clock to see the time.

11: 43 a.m

The wedding doesn't start until four. I really should check the time more.

"We're right on time," Mama mumbled while typing away on her phone. Well more like tapping each button with one finger. I'll never understand why technology is harder for most adults then kids.

"Does anyone know the bride?" I asked aloud. They shrugged in response.

"I heard that she comes from a rich family," Aunt Suhaila said pursing her lips. "But the girl does have a reputation. I heard some horrifying things from Afifa!"

"Suhaila, you need to stop gossiping with your friends," Uncle Yaman scolded her.

As Aunt Suhaila waved him off, I sat crouched in the back trying to hide my laughter.



"I can't believe you did that without my consent!" Allen yelled at me and started pacing around the front room of my apartment. I spit the mouth wash I was gargling in the sink and turned to him.

"Can't this wait until I fully wake up? It's eight in the morning!"

"I wouldn't have to be here yelling if you didn't talk so much yesterday. I was close to booking you to play at the Hollywood bash before you ruined your chances. I just want to know why."

I slipped my toothbrush back in its holder and turned around to walk to the kitchen for breakfast. Starving isn't even the right word to describe how I feel.


I raised my eyebrow to my talkative manager and grabbed the ingredients I need to make an omelet. Ya Allah, that sounds so good right now.

"Allen, I haven't been home in almost a year. I don't have anything lined up for about two months, so why not?"

"Because you have to retake your photoshoot disaster."

I chuckled to myself and poured the egg batter into the pan. Like I'm agreeing to do that again.

"Nothing was wrong with the original one, Allen. I told them I wanted subtle."

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