Wounded- Chapter Twenty Eight

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Published: Tuesday, October 27th 2015 3:10 pm


For the past hour that I've sat here, watching all the boys playing pickup, I couldn't help but keep stealing glances at Jake. It's been so long since I've been here that I thought he would still be gone. That he would still be looking for the same ending like in high school. We weren't much different. Each of us trying to find our place in this world, doing our own thing.

We were good friends in school, and we did play on the same team. We were side by side, sometimes trying to steal each other's spots. He was one of the only people I really trusted on the team, even though his mother the principal, and his father the basketball coach. He wasn't like the others. Everyone on the team loved basketball, but Jake and I had a different love for the game.

I believe that that is what made us so alike. But all that changed for Jake. Like I said, we were cool, but there is only so much you can do for a friend.

Flashback: Jafar 17 years old

"Come on Jay, one more game and we're in!" Jake slung his arm around my shoulder, leading me down the hallway towards the gym. It was now the end of school, and we both couldn't wait to get back in the gym and practice for the big day. The hallways were mostly empty, aside from a few students here and there. But mainly it was just us.

"Yeah," I nodded, keeping in step with his fast strides towards the gym. "I heard scouts were coming."

"Mom and Dad said that they're looking for the next big thing in basketball. Can you believe they came to our small town? It's crazy."

We then opened the doors to the gym, suprised to see the whole school in the bleachers. Both Jake's parents were standing in front of a podium talking to the students. But as we arrived, all students and faculty turned to us--mostly Jake--with sad expressions. Some were crying, frowning, and most couldn't look at him.

"What's going on?" Jake asked in a panic, staring at his parents for an answer. His mother was the first to react, walking over to us with a tissue in hand. Her yes were red sand puffy as she stared at her son sadly. "Mom."

"It's Natalie," She sobbed. Jake's whole body stiffened as he heard the name of his girlfriend.

"What about her?" He pleaded with a stiffened jaw. I just stood there helpless, not knowing what I should do. "Mom!" His voice got louder. "What happened to her?!"

"There was an accident. I'm so sorry."

End of flashback

Being in a small town made your business everyone else's. And when tragedy strikes for someone, everyone knows. The news of her death struck hard for everyone, but Jake is the one I thought would never recover. After the initial shock, he put all of his focus on basketball and school. He barely talked to anyone, even his parents. And the last time I saw him was graduation. Now, as I look at him taking notes of the players, my whole senior year flashes back to me.


"Wasim, why don't you play basketball? You're good."

"Because I do it for fun, not to show who's better. Besides, I'm through with sports."

"I wish you weren't," None other than Jake Wilkes said as he approached us, a huge smile on his face. "You have skill, kid. There's a spot for you on my team."

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