Wounded- Chapter Four

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Published: July 12 2015, Sunday 2:17 a.m

Banner made by @NidaSarah


July 3rd

          You would think after all my months of fame that I would be used to all the stares and giggles I get, but I'm not. Yeah it's flattering and all to know that I caused people that reaction, but there is a time when it gets creepy and uncomfortable.

        Like right now.

        I'm sitting here in one of the very uncomfortable airport chairs, and what do you know, I just happen to sit a row away from five giggling girls. They're not even being discreet! One of them basically shouted about how sexy I look. I mean, come on, privacy? But then again, you don't get privacy from this job. You get the flattery, the fame, the fortune, but no peace. None.

         Okay, I admit I'm making it sound sort of depressing, especially since I'm not at the point of the annoying camera monkeys, but I'm sure I'm not far from it. The way the girls are taking pictures of me like crazy, I'm sure I'll be all over social media in a couple of hours.

          'First call for flight 228, L.A.X, first call for flight 228 L.A.X.'

          "He's so hot!" One of the girls squealed while looking back and fourth from me and her friends. Now it's just annoying. Grabbing my bag from the floor, I made my way to the front gate.

         "Ticket please?" The woman offered me a kind smile as I gave it to her and she scanned it. "Have a nice flight."

          As I was walking down the hallway towards the plane, I could look out and see the sun shining over the city. I'm really going to miss the sights. Even though the weather is like Florida's, it's just the thought of being in California. This place has been my home for almost a year. I'm not going to lie and say that I don't miss it, because I do, but I miss Riverside more. I miss the small town I grew up in, the nice people, the annoying people, local hangouts, and most importantly, my family. I miss them the most.

          I just hope that Ayah isn't upset that I didn't tell her I was coming. I don't even know if she saw the interview. But I don't think I could spend another minute away from her. I feel bad enough that I haven't physically seen her in 10 months; another day will make a difference.

         As I got to the front of the plane I checked my ticket for my seat.


          Looking back and fourth from my ticket, I made my way down the isle until I came across the right seat. The rows on the plane seat two, and seeing as the plane was packed enough as it is, I'm more than likely going to have a seat buddy. And what do you know. Right when I sat down, a dark haired guy came and sat next to me.

          "Russell King," He held out his hand for me to shake, not taking his eyes off of his IPhone.

I lifted my hand to shake his, "Jafar Ibrahim."

         "I know," He shrugged and pointed in the direction behind us. "As I was walking to take my seat, this brunette chick was tweeting about being on a plane with you."

        "Oh," I looked backwards, and like he said, a girl had her phone up high, basically jumping over the seat trying to take a picture of me.

          "Don't worry she isn't going to get many views."

        "How can you be so sure?" I grumbled and hid my face from her view. I never thought that I would get to the part where I would have psycho fans.

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