Become Doctor Study Medicine - Sano x reader

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Once again, kinky but BEWARE!! I'm getting gorey in this story! It'll involve some cutting and bloodyness.

Y/n pov

A couple nights ago I had been at a club, when I decided to leave. But instead of actually going home, I ended up getting kidnapped. I've been trying to make an escape for what feels like forever... but nothing ever works.

I shakily sit up from the operating table I've been placed on. My vision is blurred, but I can see at least. I look to my right to see my captor, Sano, sitting in his chair, lazily asleep, his head rested on his desk. He looked peaceful but... I had to take any chance I could get.

Silently, I got up, stumbling my way over to him, checking around him, looking for some kind of tranquilliser, or something. After a couple moments of searching, I picked up a a needle he had used on me. It wasn't quite empty, so I could give it a shot, and hope for the best.

Despite my lack on knowledge on this kind of thing, I remember him using it on my wrist. My vein. I may not be right on point but... leaving this place is leaving this place. I gently take Sano's thin, pale wrist. His veins show perfectly through the skin, its almost disturbing. I softly position the needle to his wrist.

His wrist is awful soft... I softly plunge the needle inside of him, filling him up with the serum slowly... he made nothing but a pained groan in his sleep, but thankfully, he stayed in one position.

I wait for almost a solid five minutes before deciding to make a move... though, I decide to try something else first. I make an attempt to lift him up... he's light. Lighter than expected. I guess he is fairly thin. I lightly place him onto the operating table, strapping him down by his waist, wrists, biceps, ankles, and thighs. He looks almost cute like this.

I wait for him to wake up, passing the time by looking around the office.

Only relatively clean... lots of drugs... sanitizers, scalpels, bone saws, needles... this guy is the real deal, huh?

I'm broken out of my daze by the sound of a lightly pained and confused groan. I heard the soft voice of my captor.

"U-ugh... なに。。? どこ-?" He tries to escape from the binds, but they seem perfectly tight. I turn around, approaching him, trying to look as intimidating as I could. I think it was working. I grab a scalpel off the desk to add insult to injury.

"Well... you fell asleep. I figured I could make my move. Never let your guard down, doc," I flash him a soft smile, and I could see the fear in his expression. "But it doesn't really matter. Now I have you where I want you."

He desperately struggles against the binds, and I swear I can see tears in his eyes. He speaks in a soft tone, attempting to reason with me. "N-no, no, you don't need to do anything to me. I can let you go... even patch up injuries if need be," I shake my head, the fear in his face growing.

I roll up his sleeve a little, showing off his paper white wrist, and trembling hand. I place the scalpel softly onto his wrist, gently cutting through the thin flesh. He whines softly, the blood slowly seeping out, and creating little bubbles of blood on his wrist. He whines softly, gasping as I plunge it into his skin.

I roughly pull his sleeve up further, feeling a strange rush of excitement go through me. I look around on his forearm, looking for the best place to cut, before deciding on an area in the middle of his arm. I force the tip inside of his arm, before slowly dragging it across. I could see him flush up, gasping and making an attempt to wiggle free. He's practically whimpering.

He silently begs, though it isn't what I thought he would say...

"A-ah... お願いします、お願いします 。。。 Please cut my chest..." He whimpers softly, his hips rolling upwards, desperately trying to meet my touch. I place my hand onto his crotch, rubbing my thumb over it a couple times, before lifting up his shirt further, showing off his bare, thin, and pale chest. He let out a needy groan, panting softly.

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