New Friend?

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"Welcome and feel free, dear."
-Ms. D'Auna Sun.


Sketz de MusiClassic.

Marc slowly walk towards a big building. The young man look at the building in front of him. It's, beautiful. He smiled and continue to enter the main room. A lot of tables and chairs are inside. Make sense if this building get called by Sketz de MusiClassic. A lot of rooms, and music instruments are inside. Marc went to the administration desk. He then smile when he finds out the person he been looking for.

'Hello there, Marc. Seems excited today, aren't you??..'

A familiar voice greeted him, nicely. The woman smiled. It was Ms. Lucine, the administration of Sketz de MusiClassic. Marc smile a bit and nods his head slightly. To be honest, he is excited to meet the new student. Then, he heard another familiar voice. But now, it sounds more cheerful.

'Hello Ms. Lucine!! Oh, and hello too, Marc..' That familiar voice said. The young lady smiled towards him. It was āirèn, his friend. Ms. Lucine, greeted āirèn back., both of them chit chatted a bit. Marc looked away for a moment, minding their own business. He found, Gabriel, his friend already there sitting peacefully. He then thought of approaching him, but he seems not in the mood. So, he just stare at him from far away.

Marc look beside him, seeing āirèn already beside him. Marc felt a slight shock jolt, seeing her. āirèn just smiled and look at Gabriel. She approach him without any hesitation. She grab him by his hand and pulled him to stood up. She dragged him and pulled him to Marc.

'Stop being an introvert kid.. Don't forget what Ms. D'Auna said!.'

āirèn said. Gabriel just sigh heavily and replied with an annoyed look. Marc just laugh about it. Both of them always act like that. One is the listener, one is the talkative person and one is the judger. They chit chat along the way to their class, waiting for Ms. D'Auna, their favorite loving teacher.


•Few hours had past.

Three of them waited for Ms. D'Auna at the room. Marc and āirèn was chatting, while Gabriel?? He just listens towards their conversation. Next month, they will attend their examination, last examination before they can level up. āirèn look like she was gonna explode of remembering a lot of subjects, while Gabriel just keep calm. Marc doesn't know how to react. After a long chatting, they finally heard a knock on the door. But, it wasn't Ms. D'Auna, it was somebody else.

'Excuse me, is this Ms. D'Auna's class room??..'

The young man said. He look at them, while three of them look at each other. They are confuse, indeed. Without hesitation, āirèn approach him, full of excitement. She look at him, and examine him. Totally, Gabriel and Marc a bit embarrassed about āirèn. But, āirèn doesn't even care about it.

'Yes! And hello there!!. My name, is āirèn!! That is Gabriel and beside him is Marc.. Nice to meet you!!.'
āirèn said. She points at both of them one by one while she introduced them. Both of their reaction is kinda pale. Silence filled the room. The young man laugh a bit, trying to break the silence around them. He nods his head slightly, meaning that he accepted their introduction.

'My name is, Aureliano Pradipta, call me what ever you want. And, nice to meet you too.'

The young man said. Aureliano pradipta, they will remember that name. āirèn smile and dragged him to the friend group. Both of them chit chat, smile, laugh, telling jokes and kinda gossip with each other. It feel very fun to have new friends joining them, right?. Marc smiled a bit. They seems enjoying the fun, until they forgot someone already waiting at the door, smiling.

'You guys get along very fast. I'm proud of that.'

A familiar voice was heard. Coming from outside the door. They looked at the door, noticing a familiar figure standing there. It was their favorite teacher, Ms. D'Auna.

'Ms. D'Auna!!..'

āirèn shout. She approach Ms. D'Auna and hug her tight. It seems she miss her, even tho they don't meet for like one day. Ms. D'Auna smiled and look at them one by one. āirèn let go of her so she can started to teach them. After that, Ms. D'Aunaput her bag first. She already take out her markers. But then, she look at the new kid, Aureliano pradipta and smiled at him.

'Before that, Welcome and feel free, dear.'


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