Chapter Five- Little Walks

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The clock struck nine, footsteps could be heard outside. They had found us, suddenly Cai got up. "Cai, sit back down what are you doing?" I asked her. She looked out the window, "You tried your best, now come out of the house." A voice yelled from outside the house. Cai looked focused out the window, "Cai come back." said Sophie. Then all could be felt was wind shift outside, Cai put her hand out a strong wind could be felt shifting the house then it stopped. I lifted myself up and looked out the window, there was a tornado looking shield surrounding the house. It looked like we were in the middle of a twister, but we didn't move. Angus got up and stood next to Cai. "She created a tornado force field!" he shouted. "You'll have to stop this sometime, this can't surround you guys for long!" another voice shouted from outside.

"The shield should have us protected for tonight, then we'll move out tomorrow morning." I said. "Sounds like a plan, there's two guest bedrooms upstairs, so the kids can sleep in one and Miles and Sophie can sleep in another" Josh said. "Alright, thank you." Sophie said. "No problem, like I said where all family in a way." He brought us up to the guest bedrooms, in each room there were two full size beds, I jumped onto my bed and laid there. A warm bed felt nice to lay in, a bed with a mattress was even better. Angus and Cai went to bed along with Brinley and Josh while Sophie and I, talked while we both tried to sleep. "I'm kind of scared for the next couple days." Sophie said. I rolled over to be face to face with her, "Why would you be?" I asked. "These people after us, there some scary people." she said. "You don't have to worry, were even scarier." I grinned and looked at her. "Just I've heard about what these people do, my father was like us, and he was the leader of a group that tried to protect people, this group wipeout most of us." "Where the new generation, we are even stronger also we know more about our abilities then the people before did." I said. "Yeah, I guess." Sophie said. "Now get some sleep." "Okay i'll try, goodnight Miles." she said and rolled over."Goodnight Sophie." I said and turned off the light.

The next morning I was awoken by a cool ocean breeze hitting my face from the window I had opened last night, I woke up and looked around remembering where I had been last night. Sophie had already gotten up by the looks of it, on a hanger there was a shirt, flannel, and jeans with a note saying "From Josh's closet." I put on the clothes and walked downstairs, "Good morning sleepyhead." Sophie said as I yawned and scratched my eye. She handed me a cup of tea, "Josh is outside, he wanted to talk to you." Sophie said.

I walked outside and looked out to the ocean, "I'm thinking we can move out at ten thirty." Josh said. "That sounds good, where are we going to go after that?" I asked. "I'm not sure, on the run most likely." He said. I took a sip of my tea, "We can't run our whole lives." "I'm used to it, i've had to do it my whole life." Josh said. "Well, what about the kids, I doubt they want to run their whole lives." "I don't want to run even, when Birney and I found this home and when I stepped into that living room for the first time, I thought running for my life was a thing of my past and now when I finally am able to live a normal life this shit happens." Josh said. "It's just a ever turning cycle for us, we'll never live a normal life, at least until these people stop following us." I said.

"Let's get everyone ready." Josh said, I followed him inside. "We're leaving in ten minutes, now the plan for today is stay out of sight by any public view." Josh said, "We don't need anyone seeing us, so while we're walking stay close." I said. Josh went upstairs and grabbed a couple sweatshirts and blankets along with other necessities and put them in a gym bag. I looked at him, "I'm ready to go." I said to Josh. "I am too." he said. "Then lets go." We all walked out of the house, Josh locked the door behind him. Cai looked at the twister and calmed it down to a halt. Josh looked back at the house, "I wish I didn't have to leave this soon." He said and walked away.

Josh knew Maine like the back of his head, so he was the leader. The kids kept to the sides of Sophie and me. I looked around, I could see why Josh and Brinley lived in this state. The fall leaves were covering the road, all could be smelt was salt water in the air and the brisk feeling of the cold fall morning made my body have chills down my spine.

We walked for about six hours, taking breaks often. In Maine there were many backroads, good roads to keep ourselves hidden. "Josh, it looks like the sun is going down." I said. He turned to the sun's direction, "Yeah I guess your right." "Miles my feet hurt." Angus said. "Well we'll be finding a place to stay for tonight soon, right Josh?" I asked. "Yeah, there should be some empty forest near." He said.

It took about ten minutes to find a spot to rest for the night. Josh unpacked his bag while Sophie and I looked for firewood. We quickly found some branches and brought them back to camp. Josh made a campfire and cooked some food over it, he had brought a little battery powered radio. I turned it on, the radio was stationed to a classic rock station. "This is my kind of music." I said and began to strum an air guitar. Classic rock was what I grew up with, when I was little my dad and I would rock out to his favorite bands in his red truck.

We ate what Josh had prepared, everyone had settled down and went to bed but Sophie and I talked again while the music was on still at a low volume. "You know, Sophie i've been meaning to ask you something." I said. "Yeah?" "What happened before you found yourself in front of my house?" I asked, she looked down. "I had come home late that day, he thought I was with another boy." "Who's he?" I asked. "My then boyfriend, Michael." She looked down then back up to me. "He was a cruel man, and he got what he deserved." Sophie said. "What happened to him?" "I got angry, so I used my powers on him, he got flung into a wall." I looked at her, "If he was so cruel, then he did deserve it." I said. "The thing about what I did is, I don't know if he;s okay." She sighed, "He could be dead and I wouldn't know about it also theres probably police after me right now, i'm probably wanted." Sophie said. "Where all wanted Sophie, were wanted for being ourselves." I said and wrapped Sophie in a blanket, she was starting to shiver.

I looked over at Cai and Angus, they were sleeping next to each other next to the fire, Sophie and I stared into the fire, then a tune of a song I hadn't heard in awhile came on. It was a song called "The Boys of Summer'. "I feel like talking tonight, so i'm going to tell you a story." I said to Sophie. "Alright, i'm up for a story." she said. "Well once there were two twin brothers, they enjoyed listening to rock n roll music and exploring outside, hot summers were their favorite while cold winters they liked to stay inside." I looked up to the sky, "But one night, one of the twins was stolen from his family by a group of bad people, the other twin hasn't seen him since and believes he is still out there, with that faith the twin lives alone while his parents live on the other side of the world." I said. Sophie looked at me, "Miles was that your story?" she asked. I nodded, "I have a twin brother, his name is Levi." I said, the song ended, I continued to look up at the sky the stars shined so bright. "Do you really believe he is still out there?" she asked. "Yeah, I always will." "I was meaning to tell you this last night but I have a name to the group that is trying to catch us." she said. "Its called Ackman, my grandfather told me the name." she said. I would keep that name in my mind until I fell asleep that night.

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