Chapter Two- Your Not The Only One

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Sophie POV

I appeared in front of him. "Sophie we're the hell have you been?". "Just for a walk Michael" I said. "I think your lying" he said and grabbed my wrist tight. "Let go!", he grabbed my wrist tighter. "I'm not letting go Sophie". "Let go!" I yelled so loud a sound pulse went strait at Mike slamming him against the wall at the end of the hallway.

I stood there, silent. Nothing like that had ever happened before ever. I then ran over to him checking his pulse, it was still going. He was only knocked out and I was weak. I got the home phone and dialed 911. I tried transporting, and finally I did. Too the place before. My eyes we're starting to close as I blacked out and fell to the ground.

The Boy In The House POV

I wiped my wet blonde hair with a towel, and sat on my bed. That girl just couldn't get out of my head. I walked over to the window looking at the noon sky. Maybe later I would go to the old gym in town. Before I turned away I saw a person laying on the ground. I got a shirt on and ran out of my house to the person, as I got closer I realized it was her.

I scooped her up in my arms carrying her inside the house and too the couch. I laid her down and put a blanket over her. She looked weak, very weak. I hoped sleep would help her. I would watch her until she woke up. I wanted to know her name. Darkness came, then the sun came. She hadn't woken up yet, it was noon that day and I exchasasted.

I almost fell asleep in the kitchen chair I was sitting in, until I heard a voice. "W-who are you?" she asked just waking up. "I'm Miles.". "Miles" she repeated. "Where am I?" she asked. "My house" I said. She sat up slowly. I found an empty cup and filled it with water then gave it to her. "I never got your name, you know". "Sophie" she said taking sips of the water. "So whats the last thing you remember, I found you collapsed on the ground". "I don't really remember" she said. "I know your lying" I said with a grin. The girl got serious, "No, I'm not". "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'm like you". I then levitated the half full cup, taking the water out of it as if it was still in the cup. A weak smile went upon her face.

The water dropped on the floor, as I heard a knock on the door. "Be very quite" I whispered. She nodded. No one ever knocked on the door, to everyone who knew of the house it was abandoned. I walked over to the door, trying to be as quiet as I could. I looked through the peephole in the door. Three men we're at the door. I had never seen them in my life. I unlocked the door, and opened it slowly. "Hello men." I said. "Hello, we need to talk to you" the man in the center said. "I'm kind of busy." I said. I needed a way to get them away from us. I knew who they were. These people we're bad. Just then a idea came to my mind. I focused my mind too there black van. A gas pedal, a steering wheel. I started pushing down on their van's gas pedal. "Excuse me sir, your van is doing something over there". They turned back to see their van steaming, the wheels burning. All three men ran back to their van. I slammed the door shut, locking it. "Who was that?" she asked. "Some uninvited guests". They started knocking again.

Sophie started staring out the window. "What are you doing" I asked. "Just making their van levitate", I looked at their van, it was up in the air. "Oh my god". "We would like it if you put are van down" they yelled into the house. "No, only if you leave right now" I yelled to them. "Fine". They got in their van and drove away.

"Miles, they'll be back tonight I know it", "We have to get into town now" Sophie said. "Isn't that where they'll be?" I asked. "Just grab a mask and come with me". I grabbed my old hockey mask. She grabbed my hand and we teleported to an alley. Over to the right of this alley there is a pawn shop, containing a black leather book with a leather strap binding around it, I need you to steal it". "Why?" I asked. "That book has the names of four other people like us, people who have special abilities like us". It was important to grab that now I knew. I nodded and slipped the hockey mask on I walked into the shop casually as if it was a prank. I found the book and ran. Ran for my life and back to Sophie.

We transported back to the house, she opened the book over at my desk. "my ex fiance sold it to that pawn store" Sophie said. She looked down throughout the list, "See there's you." she said pointing to my name. "Miles Butler" I said softly.

The list had four other people, Brinley White, Josh Chase, Angus Reid, and Cai Brooks. "We need to find these people and soon or those people in the black van will find us or them first" Sophie said.

I nodded then went upstairs to grab my backpack. I filled it with my blanket and all my important documents from my desk. This is all I had, this is all we needed. Tonight me and my new friend Sophie would find other people like us.

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