Chapter Six- Don't Forget About Me

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"I have something I want to show you." I said. "What's that?" she asked. I went into my bag and took out a necklace with a Libra sign on it. I showed it too Sophie, "Why don't you ever wear it?' she asked. "I don't want it to get ruined, it's what I'm going to use to show my brother it's me when we finally see each other again." Sophie yawned, "I'm going to bed." She said and got into her sleeping bag, after she fell asleep I did too still grasping the necklace in my hand.

The two brothers laid in their beds asleep, while their parents were across the hall. Tomorrow they would go shadow their dad at the family construction business. The old church bell rang as the clock struck midnight, it was witching hour but not the kind you heard about in the books. A boy would be taken from his home tonight. The sound of car wheels pulling into a dirt driveway could be heard, one of the brothers awoke and sat up from his pillow. "Levi, wake up." The boy got up from his bed and shook his brother. "Someone is here." He said. "Don't worry no one is here Miles." The other brother said sleepily. "Someone is, I heard them pull into our driveway." Levi sat up from his sleeping position and looked out the window, there was a black van parked in their driveway. "See." Miles said then a knock came to the door. "Mom, dad don't answer that." Miles shouted. "Stay quiet." Levi said and covered his brother's mouth. "Come on lets go hide." The brothers looked around their room to find a place to hide.

Their closet was big enough for them both to sit in, Levi and Miles sat in their closet with the door closed as the knocks got louder than the door got kicked down. The brother's held each other tight, Levi took a necklace off his neck and handed it to his brother. "Levi no, this is yours." Miles said. "No, if anything happens tonight I want you to have this." Levi placed the necklace in Miles's hand, he closed his hand and the necklace rested in his palm. 

Suddenly the closet doors opened and a blonde man with a devilish grin looked at the boys, "Found you." He said and laughed. Quickly he put a bracelet on Levi's wrist, but before he could put one on Miles's, the boy stood up quickly and slammed the man against the wall with a pulse of energy. Levi put his hands out but nothing happened. "This bracelet it restricts me from using my powers." The brother said. Miles ran over to him but every time he tried taking it off it zapped him. Before he could think hands were wrapped around his arms holding him back from his brother, "Let me go." Miles shouted and kicked the man in the shin. This eased the man's release letting Miles go but it was too late the blonde man had Levi in handcuffs. "Let him go." Yelled Miles seeing his brother struggle.

The two men took Levi out of the house, "Levi!" shouted Miles, "I'll find you again someday I promise!" Levi looked back at his brother, "We'll be back for you, and this time you'll be ours." The man with the blonde hair said and threw Levi in the back of their van, and got into the passenger seat. "Levi!" shouted Miles.

"Wake up Miles." I shot up awake to Sophie and Angus staring at me, "What happened?" I asked. "You were having a nightmare." Sophie said. I looked around it was still night, "Did I wake you two?" I asked. "Only me, you kept saying the name Levi." Angus said. Sophie looked at me, "I guess it was just a dream." I said and laid back down, I stayed up for the rest of the night only thinking about Levi.

Gradually everyone awoke at their own pace, today Sophie was planning on telling everyone the name of the group after us. Sophie and I began to pack our sleeping bags, "You didn't sleep the rest of the night, didn't you?" she asked, I nodded. "I just couldn't stop thinking about him, about that night." Sophie sat closer to me, "it's okay, you're not alone with this; all of us here has lost something to be where we are right now." Sophie said.

After eating a quick breakfast of bread and warm jelly, we were off again for the day. We walked a couple miles in till Sophie spoke up, "Hey everyone stop for a second." She said. Everyone stopped and looked at her, "Yeah?" asked Josh. "I know the name of the group trying to capture us all." She said. "What's the name?" asked Josh. "Ackman Corps." She said. "Well in least we have a name now too the face." Josh said and we continued walking. "From what my grandpa last told me, they were out of Boston." Sophie said. Josh stopped walking, "Do you have an address?" he asked. "From the last address I knew, yeah." Sophie put her bag down and took a leather notebook out of her bag and opened it, written on the page was an address. "1 Beacon Street." Read Angus. "So I guess were going to Boston." Josh said. "Yeah I guess so." I said and laughed.

All of us held each other's hands and teleported too the address on the paper. We were faced with a big white building with only a couple windows. "How are we going to get into this place, there is probably security cameras everywhere." Angus said. "Well I guess that is our new challenge, getting into this god forsaken place." I said. All Angus did was sigh, "A new challenge." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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