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Melanie had finished lunch early. They'd had grilled chicken sandwiches with avocado salad, a personal favourite for her, but it hadn't tasted very appetising that day. Perhaps she wasn't in the right mood.

She'd downed the meal quickly, heading up to her room, determined to fit in a nap before the end of lunch.

Something was bothering her though. She mentally rewound the conversation she had with Elaine at lunch.

Elaine had whined to Melanie about how she could be trusted with Casper's identity and how she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Hardly anyone willingly talks to me," she argued. 

"I do," replied Melanie.

"And Hannah, Susan and Wai-Yi all do but it's not like I'd tell them if you didn't want me to,"

Elaine genuinely sounded like she was telling the truth.

"Fine, his name's Casper," 

Elaine's eyes had widened for a moment before they returned to their angular state. "Which Casper?"

"Casper Ellis, I think."

Elaine visibly winced at the name before sitting up straighter. "He's been friendly to you right?" she asked in a no-joke tone.


"And you guys have just been talking. No flirting or any of that?" 

"No!" she shifted uncomfortably at the intensity of Elaine's expression. "Why? What's going on?"

Elaine took a deep breath before turning back to her food. "Nothing."

"Elaine, you can tell me,"

She shook her head before smiling at her, though it was strained. "Seriously Mel, it's nothing,"

Melanie had wanted an answer but didn't want to push her at the time.

So what was Elaine hiding?

Did she and Casper know each other? What if they had had some history together?

No, she shook her head as she made her way to the girl's dormitory, she was jumping to conclusions. There had to be a good reason Elaine reacted that way.

She walked down the girls dormitory, turning left when she saw her room, before stopping as she grabbed the doorknob.

There were hushed voices speaking.

At first, she thought she was being delusional and just needed sleep, but the whispering got louder.

It was coming from down the hall, at the bend where the hallways split into a T intersection.

She could tell it was an argument. People in arguments always wanted to avoid making a scene so they talked in loud whispering.

One part of her really wanted to ignore it and go have a nap, but something was telling her she should go have a look.

She slumped, quietly slouching towards the voices.

As she got closer, she pressed herself to the wall, leaving just enough space so she wouldn't drag her clothes along it, and side stepped all the way to the corner, before crouching down and down and slowly sticking her head out the side.

The perks of having Friday as a best friend was that you learnt how sleuth around like a professional.

She recognised the voice before she saw him. Casper.

She could see him side on, the sharp point of his nose being highlighted by the light streaming in from a window above.

And facing him was a willowy girl with golden curls.

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