🐚His Cardigan🐚

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"Your cardigan? What cardigan? I don't know what you're talking about." you say as innocently as you can muster as you try to hide your grinning face behind a book.

The piece in subject is a woolen and four-colored, diamond-shaped pattern jacket, one Rafayel wears quite often combined with a designer dress-shirt. The one cardigan you had borrowed recently with the intention to keep it for a few more days, it's so soft and cozy, and the unique scent of your boyfriend is still lingering in the cloth. So you wanted to keep it a bit longer, cuddling yourself in and to keep you warm when Rafayel is busy the next few days with attending an exhibition in a city a few hours from Linkon.

You won't see him as long as the event lasts, and you want to keep something to remind him of you. But now he is frantically looking for this piece in particular.

Hearing your answer, he turns to you from the huge wardrobe in his bedroom to face you. You sink even deeper in the bed you're lying on, trying to hide your face and eyes in the sheets of your newest romance book.

Squinting his unique bluish-pink eyes at you, he gives up the search and steps slowly over to you. The mattress sinks under his weight as he sits beside you on the edge.

"I'm getting an idea where it could be gone..." he talks with an amused tone in his voice, pushing your book down with a slender index finger of his. He's looking at you, eyes twinkling, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

"Do you have anything to tell me, ma chérie?" he leans in close, observing every facial move of you.

He is so close now, your noses nearly touching, and you surrender. You just can't stand him when he pulls his foreign language pet name card.

With a shy grin, you give him a short kiss on his plush lips.

"I have it." you admit, "I didn't do it on purpose, but it is soooo soft, and it smells like you. Just wanted to keep it for a few more days, till you're back."" a small pout forms at your mouth, and he chuckles lightly. "Alright, alright. You may keep it." he smiles at you with affection in his eyes. "And when I'm back, I'm wearing it again so you can borrow it back, yeah?" and with that he cups your face with his hands and kisses you with all his love and adoration.

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