Let's walk together in the journey of life

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~Chapter 24~

Magnificent, beyond the description of any heaven as if it exists why you need a party palace when Hwang's mansion is a Paradise. That's the impression of the people who attended the event.

The grand hall was adorned with twinkling fairy lights and fragrant floral arrangements. The interior of the hall and walls imprinted like an art sculpted by the  renowned artists and it was indeed. Sculpted with the Precision while the atmosphere was dominated by the fragrance of different calming aromas of flowers.

Guests milled about, their laughter and chatter mingling with the soft strains of classical music. A large banner reading "Congratulations Hyunjin and Felix" hung above the stage, where a beautifully decorated table awaited the couple.

Within the announcement of arrival of the bride  almost everyone's attention averted to Felix who just got his first step inside the mansion while Mrs. Hwang and Mr. Hwang along with many guests were at the entrance to welcome them.

He doesn't know why but this treatment makes him feel utterly uncomfortable. Is everyone's marriage and engagement like this? Or just it's a rich people thingy. Sensing her brother's uncomfortableness Chearyeong gently grabbed his hands pulling his attention, and nodded a little.

Felix bowed to everyone and greeted Mr Hwang and Mrs Hwang. While Mrs. Hwang of course is treating him like he is  a queen and about to get the throne with his king. "My son in law, you are so mesmerising.... Bad eyes always stay away from you," she wished him and this time she roamed a bundle of notes above his head. Superstition much?

Hyunjin stood near the entrance, looking dapper in his dark blue suit. He nervously adjusted his tie, glancing around the room filled with relatives and friends.

It didn't cease to his friends to not to tease him when his bride had arrived in an utterly mesmerizing aura. Hyunjin had fixed his eyes upon Felix from the side corner of the upstairs examining every action he did. He himself didn't know what the magnetic power was that was pulling his attention like he was a magnet whore (tf is that comparison).

Probably the undeniable beauty of the Omega among all of the people who was covered in their exclusively expensive and aesthetic attairs. Felix was radiating those auras which was the only can pull  the alpha to him. Oh how Hyunjin wished he could gently tug that blonde strands of the younger's locks lingering on his features. How he wished that the genuine smile of his soon to be omega was meant for him. Whatever .

Felix, on the other hand, appeared calm and collected, his blonde locks neatly braided. He roamed eyes around the hall, the commotion of the peoples among some of them he knows some of doesn't. It was such a weird feelings, he couldn't comprehended any genuine complement on it, neither he was satisfied nor he was sad.

As his eyes searched among the people, it directly struck by the vision of the alpha who he claimed was looking at him as well. As Hyunjin found out that the Omega met his gaze with him he avoided it, diverting his attention to his friends.

Mrs. Hwang, beaming with pride, guided Felix’s parents to their seats, making sure they were comfortable. Mr. Lee, Felix’s father, nodded approvingly as he took in the elegant decorations. The two families exchanged pleasantries, their bond growing stronger with each shared smile and handshake.

As the music softened, Mrs. Hwang took the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this joyous occasion," she began. "Let’s welcome our soon-to-be-married couple, Hyunjin and Felix, to the stage."

They knew this event especially meant for them, especially to bound them in a temporary knot which will be knitting even tightly after. But still they felt like their breath stuffed at the lungs and chest tightening.

"Hey, Hyunjin... Let's go," Chan placed a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder giving him the courage he needed the most that time. Hyunjin reluctantly nodded his head while he followed his light step ahead leading him to the seat where Felix was sitting with his family.

Felix's hands on his lap looking at the alpha who was destined towards him and for his hand. The more the alpha got closer to him the more his heartbeat fastening, feeling his whole existence numb. Hyunjin finally get closer to the cushions where his soon to be bride awaiting for him as how everyone concluding it or it was indeed?

Hyunjin greeted everyone who was present there then stood there for a moment nervously meeting his gaze with his fiance while processing in his head what he should do next. While Felix also gazed at him feeling the nervous dominating him as well. Maybe awaiting for Alpha's further action.

"Oh oh Hyunjin...." Seeing the bride and groom silent just staring at each other Hyunjin's said to be friends broke the silence while changbin nudged Hyunjin on his shoulder, who eventually snapped out from where he was losting.

He changed his glance to his mother meeting a most beautiful smile of his mother he had ever seen it melted him, when he averted his gaze to Felix something inside him told him that 'this is not just your bride Hyunjin but a ray of sunshine who was bringing a happiness to your life to your family, he would be the one who will combat with the gloomy clouds of your life and then will prove that the sun is stronger than cloud.'

And then this sky rocketed his courage, Hyunjin land his hand to Felix. Felix lowered his gaze on the Alpha's hand and then something inside him told him that, 'felix it's not just a hand of offering which you have had in your life but a hand of offering to you to walk on the journey of your life together. A shield and solace of every steps and unsafe events of your life.'

Felix finally locked his gaze to alpha, his right hand slowly raised from his lap landing ahead and as he was about to put his hand alpha with draw his hand.

Making everyone startled, while Mrs. Hwang dropped her smile. Felix looked at the alpha with the eyes filled of confusion and a slight hurt. Meanwhile there was someone in the commotion whose smile brightened amidst all of these.


'i know Hyunjin, I know you only love me and no one else. You only want me and no one else. I was your first and forever.'

A/N :- Quak 🦆

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