Is it okay?

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~Chapter 47~

Ah..mhm..I don't know how to explain it but yeah where were we..oh yeah...the wallpaper of Hyunjin.

"Please Hyunjin delete it, my lovely hubby, do it.. please," Felix whined, under the Alpha's grip, struggling to get away from the giant alpha. Was that 'lovely hubby' necessary, was it a magic spell, probably it was as Hyunjin felt a strange string sewing the lobes of his heart. His eyes searched among the glittering eyes filled with goofiness, yet embarrasy.

Hyunjin compused himself, washing the fluster by a laughter. "Okay, but only in one demand," Hyunjin devilishly grinned, crushing the omega under him. Felix sighed, what tf he wanted now, Felix just wish the alpha won't put any stupid demand.

"Okay, what I have to do then?" Felix answered, giving up. Hyunjin smirked, his eyes lurking with satisfaction yet with a gleam of mystery that show his demand going to be something more than Felix has expected. It just made the omega tense, he swallowed thickly compusing himself.

Hyunjin lowered himself, breathing lowly on Omega's face. The room dark, lit dimly with a red tungsten bulb, as the satisfied breath of Hyunjin and tensed breath of Felix created a melody that punctured the silence.

Hyunjin graze his lips over the Omega's smooth cheeks, as his grip tightened on the hands of omega which he had pinned above the younger's head. Felix's lungs swelled up as he couldn't release a breath by the Alpha's instinct, his body contrasting with metaphors -melting like ice, burning like sun, and flying like butterfly in the open sky -.

He just closed his eyes letting the alpha to do whatever he wants with him it was his demand so felix was ready for it. As he gasp lowly, shivering despite the warm across his cheeks.

Hyunjin's plump lips grazed over the Omega's skin but didn't exactly kissed him as it trailed to his ear, distracting the calm Felix was trying to hold. Breathing over the sensitive skin of Omega Hyunjin lowly whispered.


"Hufff~~" Felix couldn't help but gasped at the progress of kiddo to kitten. What should he answer to this, should he answer 'yes, hubby' nu uhh it's too much to release from his shaky voice.

Hyunjin smiled at the corner of lips feeling the Omega being so submissive to him but yet his intention was being so close to the Omega but he couldn't do it. If they have gone through norms till now, they can wait till they bind permanently, right?

"If you want me to remove that picture of you from my wallpaper," Hyunjin's deep whisper parceling the unnecessary things all over the Omega's senstive body.

"You have to take a photo for me wearing the clothes I have bought for you," as Hyunjin finished his sentence, Felix softly hummed still breathless and under the spell of Hyunjin's dominance. But his eyes widened as the realisation hit him.

"WHAT?" He yelled widening his eyes as he met the sight of Hyunjin chuckling at his reaction.

"Yes, this is the only option you have, if you don't do it I'll print your photo and toss it on the wall of my room in a big frame," Hyunjin continued as he raised his body from the Omega.

"This is unfair, hubby.." Felix whined, squirming as he grabbed the Alpha's arms shaking him in displeasure.

"It's fair enough, don't have to take your thoughts in the abyss, I'm not making you wear something sensual," Hyunjin assured, giving Felix a relief. But if it wasn't something sensual so it's probably something embarassing. Why ????

"Please," Felix pleaded with puppy eyes, and did a most cringey thing by purring under the alpha. Hyunjin sighed, as he got up from Felix.

"Hmm take your time, but you have to do it," Hyunjin declared as he slipped his body undercover next to Felix, hiding his phone under his pillow.

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