Setting a plan in motion

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Meanwhile, at an abandoned factory in Newport, Barry the Chink was standing outside, but Crow Daddy pulled him in.

After he placed Barry in an area that Crow Daddy had drawn into a circle with red chalk, he stabbed him multiple times.

When that was done, Snakebite Andi arrived.

"Well, in order for me to gain power, I must use sacrifical means on one." Crow Daddy commented.

Snakebite Andi saw what had transpired.

Crow Daddy started a chant of sorts, and the circle illuminated with a red glow as the Steam from Barry the Chink left him and went into Crow Daddy, causing his full potential to be unlocked, and Snakebite Andi was blasted into a wall in the process.

As the dust settled, Crow Daddy's eyes had become red whenever he used his powers.

"My God, you gained that much power?" Snakebite Andi remarked out of curiosity.

Crow Daddy's eyes turned red after blasting red lightning at Snakebite Andi, sending her flying into a wall.

He then used his new powers at the circle where he had placed Barry the Chink to use him as a sacrifice earlier.

As he was doing so, Crow Daddy was chanting again. Much like last time, it was incomprehensible to Snakebite Andi.

What they had seen in front of them was a resurrected Bradley Trevor.

Crow Daddy was pleased with the results of what he had done while looking at him. 

Bradley Trevor now looked pale, with his face cold, and his eyes purely white.

The trio were then leaving the abandoned warehouse, but Snakebite Andi was still in shock over Crow Daddy's decision to use Barry the Chink as a human sacrifice.

"He could have helped us with tracking down Abra." Snakebite Andi said in horror.

This led Crow Daddy to hold her in place with his telekinesis.

"No. We have what we came for. We need to get my vision expanded." he commented.

Crow Daddy then used his electrokinesis on a random semi truck driver, then his telekinesis to destroy the abandoned factory.

Then, Crow Daddy used his telekinesis to place the driver in the building, then buried him under the rubble, making it appear that he died when the building collapsed.

After that, Crow Daddy got into the driver's seat of the semi truck, a 2022 International LT, and drove off.

After leaving Frazer, New Hampshire, they went to the Ocean Gaming casino in Hampton, New Hampshire.

They then went to the third floor, where a man named Davey Machiamo, with green eyes, fair skin, red hair, thick red eyebrows, as well as a black suit and blue tie, sat. He had been secretly running a crime ring in the casino.

Davey turned around, and saw a bolt of red lightning open up the door.

"Well, are you here to free me from non-stop work as the boss of this casino?" he asked.

"Oh, I wouldn't say freed, more like, under new management." Crow Daddy remarked as he used telekinesis to crush Davey's windpipe, killing him.

Then, Crow Daddy opened up the bookshelf, and then, he made his move towards the elevator, with Snakebite Andi and Bradley Trevor following behind.

After going down into a nearby private room, Crow Daddy, Snakebite Andi, and Bradley Trevor saw a group of criminals, all in fear.

"Alright, down to business. We all need to track down Abra Stone. The first order is that you build a bunch of machines that can drain people's lives and have those lives fed directly to me. The second order is you abduct a few kids here and there." Crow Daddy said in a serious tone.

"What happens if one of us doesn't want to?" the second criminal asked.

Crow Daddy's eyes turned red as he fired a jolt of red lightning at him, then uses a psychic sonic boom to use two sledgehammers, sending them down onto the second criminal, breaking his feet.

This strikes fear into the other criminals, and they agree to Crow Daddy's plan.

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