Abra's brother

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In Anniston, New Hampshire, one year had passed since Crow Daddy's attempt to overthrow the President, as well as the destruction of several buildings at the railyard there.

Abra Stone had passed her driver's test and got herself a red 1995 Ford Mustang, but continued to fight crime as Silk.

That afternoon, Abra Stone, with her hair down out of it's braided state, is approached by Bradley Trevor, who is currently her adoptive brother.

"Well Abra, would you like it if I showed you something?" he asked.

She agrees, and her adoptive brother shows Abra the bedroom.

Bradley Trevor's bedroom featured other things like his computer, which was a Dell Dimension v333c that still has Windows 98 on it.

It still works, as after the setup was done, safe mode was entered after the computer's memory proved to be still great.

Bradley turned it on, and there, the wallpaper was of him and Abra having a selfie that was uploaded as the startup sound was heard.

Bradley Trevor, after hugging Abra, then started playing Need for Speed II on his computer.

Abra Stone, happy for her brother, smiles.

"I'm glad I finally have a sibling." she said to herself.

Abra then braids her hair, then thinks of herself as Silk, swinging on a building that was near the Alcoholics Anonymous building that Danny Torrance was at.

Then, Silk threw one of her webs at another building, then swung as the traffic below her was moving smoothly.

After that, she swung on a building that was on the left side of her, then ran on one that was on the right side of her.

Silk lept into the sky, then fired some webs from her webshooters at two nearby buildings.

Shortly after this, Silk fired at a crane as she entered a construction site, then swung around it.

Then, Silk landed on the American flag post at a nearby school.

She then takes a look, fires another web from her webshooters, then swings off.

Author's note:

Well, I honestly felt like there could have been more done with the characters of Abra Stone/Silk and Bradley Trevor/Baseball Boy. That's why I had them become brother and sister, albiet adopted. And another thing, I felt like Crow Daddy had potential to become his own villain.

Here's what Abra Stone's car looks like:

Here's what Abra Stone's car looks like:

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Peace out to all of you!!!!!!!!!

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