Confronting Snakebite Andi

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Meanwhile, Silk lands on top of the train car that the members of Crow Daddy's True Knot clan are on.

Snakebite Andi looks up, as if she had noticed something from above.

"Find somewhere to hide, and stay there." she ordered.

Bradley Trevor found an empty crate, then after he got inside, Snakebite Andi surrounded him with multiple crates.

Then, while armed with her AR-57 semi-automatic rifle, she sees Silk on top of the train car.

"You never had the guts in you. As it was when Danny was around." Snakebite Andi said in a mocking tone.

Silk then assumed a defensive position, ready for a fight.

Snakebite Andi fired wildly before the gun was removed from her by Silk.

After that, Snakebite Andi pulled out her Ruger LCR pistol, but Silk disarmed the weapon.

"I guess this must be a fair fight, with only fists." she added.

Silk and Sankebite Andi then threw their fists at one another.

During their battle, a hole was left in the roof of the train car.

The hole was above where Bradley Trevor was.

Silk then got out her sprayer.

She was fighting Snakebite Andi with one fist, while holding the sprayer in the other.

Then, Silk sprayed Bradley Trevor with it, curing him of his brainwashing.

After that, Silk got him out of the crate, then, after seeing that they were approaching a bridge, Silk punched Snakebite Andi in her forehead, sending her falling into the train car.

Then, Silk uncoupled the train car, and stood on it's right side, and she even scooped up Bradley Trevor with her webbing.

Eventually, the train car lost it's balance as it fell off the bridge into the river far below, where the other members of Crow Daddy's True Knot clan were trying to get out, but Snakebite Andi stayed behind, accepting her fate as it splashed into the river below, where all that was left was the clothes and guns of Crow Daddy's True Knot.

The river carried away Snakebite Andi, still in the train car as it went all the way into the Connecticut River.

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